open-source dependencies. Scanning dependencies (libraries) allows Sonar SAST to extend the dataflow analysis and find deeply hidden security issues in code that other tools cannot find. Deeper SAST is available today for Java, C#, and JavaScript/TypeScript in SonarQube Server and SonarQube Cloud....
SAST is a type of software security vulnerability testing. By using SAST tools, you can prevent software security vulnerabilities. Learn what is SAST, the benefits of SAST tools, and how to choose the right ones.
In this paper, we survey several open-source (SpotBugs, SonarQube, CryptoGuard, CogniCrypt) Static Application Security Testing (SAST) tools to understand their detection capabilities with respect to password storage vulnerabilities and determine if the remediation fixes suggested by these tools are ...
SCA tools, on the other hand, detect the use of third-party (oftenopen source)software dependencies, typically in the form of binaries, that contain known vulnerabilities. Businesses that rely on open source software (OSS) use SCA testing to identify open source dependencies and support their OS...
The following are open-source scanning tools that are integrated in the pipeline for the purposes of this post, but you could integrate other tools that meet your specific requirements. You can use the static code review toolAmazon CodeGurufor static analysis, but at t...
DAST testing tools While most DAST tools are commercial,Arachniis an open source tool that provides rich functionality. Arachni’s Ruby framework supports scanning web applications for vulnerabilities including XSS (with DOM variants), SQL injection, NoSQL injection, code injection, and file inclusion...
All other tools are Open Source. ℹ️ indicates that the community does not recommend to use this tool for new projects anymore. The icon links to the discussion issue. ⚠️ means that this tool was not updated for more than 1 year, or the repo was archived....
SAST tools provide vulnerability information and remediation suggestions for development teams to resolve. There is relation and overlap between SAST tools and static code analysis software, but SAST products are more focused on security testing. Static code analysis products, on the other hand, ...
analysis-tools-dev / static-analysis Sponsor Star 13.3k Code Issues Pull requests ⚙️ A curated list of static analysis (SAST) tools and linters for all programming languages, config files, build tools, and more. The focus is on tools which improve code quality. analysis static-code-...
SAST tools, however, are not capable of identifying vulnerabilities outside the code. For example, vulnerabilities found in a third-party API would not be detected by SAST and would require Dynamic Application Security Testing (DAST). You can learn more about DAST on this page,What is DAST?