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I definitely found some great goodies that have been a help right when I got them in September. Thanks to all the reviewers who leave honest reviews. It’s always a good surprise when you find an item that is reviewed by non-influencer who just loves great products. Like me. ...
Because this was a bag for Zac, I wanted something fun. He loves trucks, and a quick search led me to the Riley Blake, “On Our Way” collection. It was perfect! My fabric arrived about a week later, and I let it sit while I finished up Etsy orders and t-shirt quilts. Like la...
My baby is 5 months and even though this toy is for 6m and older I let him start playing with it anyway. He LOVES this toy. This is the first toy he has ever played with and he is infatuated with it. He figured it out pretty much right away and started to spin the big ball in...
I’m glad I did this curly experiment because I learned some good lessons from it – my hair loves to be deep conditioned once a month, my hair is so much healthier using sulfate-free shampoo, and using as little heat as possible has made my hair much stronger and thicker than before....
He sucked on my nipples and squeezed my ass, told me how gorgeous I am, how he loves big tits. He has a very bold, experienced touch. I was extremely turned on and started to cum. He held me and bit my neck, marveling as I trembled. I told him he was good at what he was ...
As you know, it’s not always easy trying something new unless we know the reviews are in and most everyone loves it. That’s why I enjoy sharing the best of everything we know and love with you too! Below, you’ll discover five new products I discovered this last month and enjoy...
I go the extra mile to protect my bedding too. I lay a towel down first as he loves to sit on my bed and look out the window. When you own a pet, it’s especially important for you to sanitize your home for you and your family. ...