For Vue users, it seems that we will have to wait for the release of Vue-cli v5.0.0 which uses Webpack 5 before upgrading to version 11.x. yes, that sounds right. I think until then many Vue users will run into the same issue when they try to add sass-loader by running yarn ad...
问题描述:在进行一个vue项目练习时需要导入node-sass、sass-loader这两个依赖,书本提供代码是npm install sass-loader@7.2.x node-sass@4.12.x -尝试n次也无法成功执行。 报错: 解决方法 1、首先执行以下代码,卸载老版node-sass、sass-loader(因为你有可能安装上了其中一个,但另一个安装不了) 1 npm uninstall...
为了安装sass-loader,你需要遵循一系列步骤来确保在你的项目中正确集成。以下是根据你的提示分点回答你的问题: 1. 确认系统环境和Node.js版本符合sass-loader的要求 在安装sass-loader之前,请确保你的系统环境和Node.js版本满足其依赖项的要求。通常,你可以通过查看sass-loader的官方文档或npm页面上的peerDependencies来...
14.2.0 (2024-04-11) Features added the modern-compiler value for API to reuse compiler process (#1195) (cef40a8) support webpack built-in resolver for modern and modern-compiler API (#1197) (2265b72) Notes: Using the modern-compiler value for the api option together with sass-embedded...
T_one: app.vue里的css咋写的,贴下吧 回复2018-01-11 我不是艾克: 应该不会错啊,因为我之前那个项目就是这样弄得 回复2018-01-11 3 个回答 得票最新 luozz 5.8k3629 发布于 2018-01-11 更新于 2018-01-11 再安装一个npm install --save-dev css-loader注意看报错提示,上面缺啥就安装啥 ...
jiatesun0824 4521325 发布于 2017-11-21 更新于 2017-11-21 1、请问各位老大,为什么这两天搭新项目用npm下载sass-loder跟node-sass一直出问题,用了cnpm还是不行2、我以前下载过很多次,都没出现这个问题,3、请问有没有解决的办法,这是下载sass-loader时报的错4、这是下载node-sass时报的错图片描述 ...
11% building 15/17 modules 2 active /Users/ming/myself/php_pro/SysAdminH5/node_modules/events/events.jsBrowserslist: caniuse-lite is outdated. Please run next command `npm update` 98% after emitting CopyPlugin ERROR Failed to compile with 1 errors 10:40:36 AM ...
v10.1.0Compare alexander-akait released this 11 Nov 13:06 · 204 commits to master since this release v10.1.0 4caf60f 10.1.0 (2020-11-11) Features allow the additionalData to be async (#902) (9d925ff) Assets 2 Loading ...