SassError: $color2: var(--bs-gray-900) is not a color. ╷ 212 │ @return mix(black, $color, $weight); │ ^^^ ╵ node_modules/bootstrap/scss/_functions.scss 212:11 shade-color() node_modules/bootstrap/scss/_variables.scss 1147:37 @import resources/...
使用sass 的 mix 将 $mainColor 的 浅色(tiniColor) 计算出来 现代码如下:全局样式 color.scss : $mainColor: var(--main-color, #0081ff); // 这是计算 tintColor 的方法 @function tint($color, $percentage) { @return mix(#fff, $color, $percentage); } this.color已经绑定到颜色选择器: data()...
varsass=require('node-sass');sass.render({file:scss_filename,[,options..]},function(err,result){/*...*/});// ORvarresult=sass.renderSync({data:scss_content[,options..]}); Options file Type:String Default:null Special:fileordatamust be specified Path to a file forLibSassto compile. ...
You can pass special functions like calc() or var() in place of any argument to rgb(). You can even use var() in place of multiple arguments, since it might be replaced by multiple values! When a color function is called this way, it returns an unquoted string using the same signatu...
varsass=require('node-sass');sass.render({file:'/path/to/myFile.scss',data:'body{background:blue; a{color:black;}}',importer:function(url,prev,done){// url is the path in import as is, which LibSass encountered.// prev is the previously resolved path.// done is an optional call...
var sass = require("sass"); var Fiber = require("fibers"); sass.render({ file: "input.scss", importer: function(url, prev, done) { // ... }, fiber: Fiber }, function(err, result) { // ... }); Both render() and renderSync() support the following options:...
例如::color #0f3或:width $main_width。默认情况下,任何语法都是有效的。这对SCSS文件没有影响。 #cache-option :cache:是否应该缓存解析的Sass文件,从而提高速度。默认为true。 #read_cache-option :read_cache:如果设置了它并且:cache没有设置,那么只有在Sass缓存存在的情况下才能读取,如果不存在,就不要写入...
an error is thrown.:newforces the use of a colon after the property name. 例如:color: #0f3orwidth: $main_width.:oldforces the use of a colon before the property name. 例如::color #0f3or:width $main_width. By default, either syntax is valid. This has no effect on SCSS documents....
If an argument is a number or a nested calculation, it’s returned as that type. Otherwise, it’s returned as an unquoted string. SCSS Sass SCSSSyntax @debugmeta.calc-args(calc(100px+10%));// unquote("100px + 10%")@debugmeta.calc-args(clamp(50px,var(--width),1000px));// 50...
1@functioncolors($color){2$names:map-keys($social-colors);3@ifnotindex($names,$color){4@warn"Waring: `#{$color} is not a valid color name.`";5}6@returnmap-get($social-colors,$color);7} 上面代码中最不同之处,我们使 用map-key s将 $social-colors 这个 map 的所有 key 取出,并赋...