That doesn't change. What does change is that you can replace <selector>, <property> or <value> with an expression. A Sass expression is some combination of values and operators that the Sass transpiler will evaluate before outputting the final CSS. The variables we've already explored are ...
I belive this is a legitimate issue and one without a work-around. See my investigation on thengx-markdownissue tracker.jfcere/ngx-markdown#252 (comment) In my case, it surfaced with useages of sass modules being completely rejected after an upgrade of packages to support Angular v10, on...
Coming from other programming languages where an array is an array and a hash is a hash, it's certainly unsettling to see types changing like that though—remembering that Sass has a meta.type-of() function which does distinguish between a list and a map. In my case, I'm writing a pr...
For example, Compass has a mixin calledbackground. It’s so robust, that you can pass just about whatever you want to that thing that it will output what you need. Images, gradients, and any combination of them comma-separated, and you’ll get what you need (vendor prefixes and all)....
And we’re really proud of it! I feel like we’ve got that balance of strength, expression and sass that is in us as artists as well, it’s very much a combination of our 2 energies! We’re not saying that all female artists need to be like that, but we are proud to be encour...
You can use&as a normal SassScript expression, which means you can pass it to functions or include it in interpolation—even in other selectors! Using it in combination withselector functionsand the@at-rootruleallows you to nest selectors in very powerfulways. ...
a good handful of trans-identified women, including Tobi and Drew Deveaux who is an outspoken performer. The smallest representation may be actually be cisgender butch women. And after that, cisgender queer men. Besides gender expression being represented, there’s also a large percentage of ...
The @each concept makes it much easier for each element in a list or each combination in a map to produce styles or validate the code. This is convenient for repetitive styles which have only several variations in between. The directive Sass @each includes the value of each element in the...
A map is an association between values. Limiting keys to strings is very inconvenient for a lot of use cases. This should never happen - syntax errors shouldn't occur just because you switch compression modes. This happens because #{} says evaluate this expression and put it's string value...
A global variable is accessible from anywhere within that file, as well as from files that@importthe file where the variable is declared. A variable is considered global when it is declared outside of any selector, or if the annotation!globalis included after the variable expression. ...