1、现象Java操作hive报错,关键文本信息如下: org.apache.thrift.transport.TTransportException: SASL authentication not complete写的比较简单,就是用Java以jdbc方式直接操作hive,排查后发现竟然是关闭Resul…
还有一个现象就是,首次hive操作是成功的,之后才是java.sql.SQLException: org.apache.thrift.transport.TTransportException:SASLauthentication notcomplete 问题就出在: PreparedStatement ResultSet 这两项应该先于Connection close
org.apache.thrift.transport.TTransportException: SASL authentication not complete,程序员大本营,技术文章内容聚合第一站。
java.sql.SQLException: Error retrieving next row at org.apache.hive.jdbc.HiveQueryResultSet.next(HiveQueryResultSet.java:387) at com.mcsys.hive.finance.HiveSql.main(HiveSql.java:33) Caused by: org.apache.thrift.transport.TTransportException: SASL authentication not complete at org.apache.thrift....
isOpen()) throw new TTransportException("SASL authentication not complete"); int got = readBuffer.read(buf, off, len); if (got > 0) { return got; } // Read another frame of data try { readFrame(); } catch (SaslException e) { throw new TTransportException(e); } return read...
}@OverridepublicbooleanisComplete(){returnthis.complete; }@Overridepublicbyte[] unwrap(byte[] incoming,intoffset,intlen)throwsSaslException {if(this.complete) {thrownewSaslException("PLAIN supports neither integrity nor privacy"); }else{thrownewIllegalStateException("PLAIN authentication not completed");...
Resetting password did not help. Connecting to the DB directly via for example PGAdmin works as well, so connection link and PW are definitely correct. Desktop (please complete the following information): OS: Win10 Version of CLI 1.126.0 Version of supabase-js: 2.39 Version of Node.js: 18.1...
SASL plug-ins can also call the application directly, although the application does not know whether the call came from a plug-in or from libsasl. Callbacks are useful in multiple areas, as follows. libsasl can use callbacks to get information that is needed to complete authentication. lib...
Wraps a byte array to be sent to the server. This method can be called only after the authentication exchange has completed (i.e., whenisComplete()returns true) and only if the authentication exchange has negotiated integrity and/or privacy as the quality of protection; otherwise, anIllegalSt...