A detailed soil and ground water sampling plan was implemented and the background salinity data was recorded by sampling at each pre-selected site in the fall 1992 before the newly constructed highway section opened. The amount of deicing salt applied annually has been monitored since the high...
emulsion formation was noted by a visual change to opacity as well as a sudden increase in viscosity. The emulsion in the water bath was removed from heat and stirring continued while cooling slowly in the water bath until reaching 40° C., followed by homogenization for 5 min, then allowed...
Wells Lake is a lake in Saskatchewan, Prairies. Wells Lake is situated nearby to the village Marsden, as well as near the locality Jones Coulee.Map Directions Satellite Photo MapType: Lake Category: body of water Location: Saskatchewan, Prairies, Canada, North America View on OpenStreet...
Llwellyn M. ArmstrongDale A. WrubleskiGordon L. GoldsboroughWetlandsBaschuk MS, Ervin MD, Clark WR (2012) Using satellite imagery to assess macrophyte response to water-level manipulations in the Saskatchewan River Delta, Manitoba. Wetlands 32:1091-1102...
Type: Lake Description: lake in Saskatchewan, Canada Category: body of water Location: Saskatchewan, Prairies, Canada, North America View on OpenStreetMapLatitude52.37096° or 52° 22' 15" north Longitude-102.19357° or 102° 11' 37" west Elevation484 metres (1,588 feet) Open Location...
Prior to the injection of CO (sub 2) , baseline samples of produced water and gas were taken from approximately 45 wells. After CO (sub 2) injection began, these and additional wells were sampled 3 times per year, with a selected subset sampled every three weeks. The fluid analyses ...
OpenStreetMap Featurewater=lake OpenStreetMap Attributeintermittent=yes GeoNames ID5913532This page is based on OpenStreetMap, GeoNames, Wikidata and Wikimedia Commons. We welcome you to please improve upon our open data sources. Thank you for your contributions. Edit ...
OpenStreetMap Featurewater=lake GeoNames ID5994555This page is based on OpenStreetMap, GeoNames, Wikidata and Wikimedia Commons. We welcome you to please improve upon our open data sources. Thank you for your contributions. Edit This PlaceKvam...
Weyapanase Bay is a bay in Saskatchewan, Prairies. Weyapanase Bay is situated nearby to the village Aquadeo, as well as near the locality Moosomina Coulee.Map Directions Satellite Photo MapType: Bay Category: body of water Location: Saskatchewan, Prairies, Canada, North America View on Open...