SAS Visual Analytics Viewer SAS Visual Analytics App Search Interface to SAS Content Related Documentation Administration Guide Installation and Configuration (Non-distributed SAS LASR) Installation and Configuration (Distributed SAS LASR) System Requirements Previous Versions Expand All Collapse All 8.5 (SAS...
您可以将探索结果作为报表导出,这些报表可以直接查看或在 SAS Visual Analytics Designer(简称设计器)中优化。可以在移动设备或 SAS Visual Analytics Viewer(简称查看器)上查看报表。 您可以将探索保存为 PDF 文档,通过电子邮件共享已保存的探索以及将可视化视图导出为图像文件。可以将数据从可视化视图导出到可在其他工具...
一、与 SAS Visual Analytics 的集成 在SAS 9.4 的整个生命周期中,SAS 产品都与 SAS Visual Analytics 集成在一起。其中许多产品可以从 SAS 主页启动,您可以使用这一单一界面来访问您的 SAS 产品。此外,一些产品包括 SAS Visual Analytics Viewer 或 SAS Visual Analytics Administrator 和 Reporting。详细信息,请参...
通过简单易用的多点触摸手势,您可以在应用程序中移动、过滤和钻取报表中的数据,在办公室、会议中或旅途中作出决策。业务用户可以通过 SAS Visual Analytics App 以交互方式探索海量数据并与他人合作。当报表和数据发生变化时,该 App 会更新视图,确保用户始终获得最新信息。
The SAS lineage viewer visually displays the relationships between decisions, models, data and decisions. Intelligent automation with human oversight Public API to automate many of the manual, complex modeling steps to build machine learning models – from data wrangling, to feature engineering, to alg...
I am receiving a SAS Visual Analytics Viewer message box that says, "An unexpected service error was encountered while attempting to fulfill the request." When I attempt to open the report in Designer I get the message; FaultEvent fault=[RPC Fault faultString="java.lang.RuntimeException : ...
Entity analytics Determines entity closeness, betweenness and influence with interactive entity resolution capabilities. View entire networks through the network viewer, and visualize complete networks and relationships using link expansion. Case management ...
VA 7.4 customers will now be able to switch to the modern viewer, which has most of the features that the classic viewer in VA 7.3 has. One feature that is still not in the modern viewer is the ability for report consumers to see and change stored processes prompt values. We’ve also...
I9A SAS Visual Analytics Designer 7.51 I9C SAS Home 7.51 I9D SAS Visual Analytics Printing Support 7.51 I9E SAS Management Console 9.4_M7 I9F SAS Web Infrastructure Platform 9.4_M7 I9G SAS Visual Analytics Report Viewer 7.51 I9H SAS Threaded Kernel DS2 and FedSQL Language Processors 9.41_M5...
SAS Lineage Viewer /SASLineage/** SAS Model Manager /SASModelManager/ Model Studio /ModelStudio/** SAS Studio /SASStudio/** SAS Theme Designer /SASThemeDesigner/** Initially granted to Application Administrators. SAS Visual Analytics /SASVisualAnalytics/** Feature-level access is ...