5pt cellpadding = 1pt outputwidth = 100%;; replace cell from output / font = ("宋体", 9pt, medium) ; *定义表头; style header / backgroundcolor=white color=black fontweight=bold; *定义文件的布局; style body from document / bottommargin = 15mm topmargin = 15mm rightmargin = 15mm ...
map、list、数字类型、字符串类型、boolean类型、null、color **/ // 1.1 map类型 -> 用小括号括起来 $style: (color:#fb3, fontSize:30px); li:nth-child(1) { color:map-get($style,'color');// map-get 通过key来获取value值 font-size:map-get($style,'fontSize');// map-get 通过key来...
'FixedFont' = ("Courier",7pt); replace color_list / 'link' = black /* links */ 'bgH' = white /* row and column header background */ 'fg' = black /* text color */ 'bg' = white; /* page background color */; class header / /* headerattributes*/ foreground = black vertica...
4.9 用style=option定制proc report输出 与4.8类似,基本语句为: PROC REPORT STYLE(location-list)={style-attribute=value}; 比如,如果想创建一个名为MYSALES的报告,并将列标题设置为绿色: PROC REPORT DATA=mysales STYLE(HEADER)={BACKGROUND=green}; ...
例如,在SASUSER.HOUSES有各种房子的情况,其中BEDROOMS表示卧室个数,STYLE表示房子的式样,都是分类变量,我们可以用如下程序画出反映卧室个数和房子式样的联合分布的三维直方图: goptions hpos=90 vpos=70; proc gchart data=sasuser.houses; block style / group=bedrooms; run; 三维曲面图和等高线图 假设对一个...
BackgroundColorTextAttribute BoundsForRangeParameterizedAttribute CancelButtonAttribute CellForColumnAndRowParameterizedAttribute ChildrenAttribute ClearButtonAttribute CloseButtonAttribute ColumnCountAttribute ColumnHeaderUIElementsAttribute ColumnIndexRangeAttribute ColumnsAttribute ColumnTitlesAttribute...
vardataminingsampling/style={foreground=indicator.background=back.just=left};/*STYLE=选项关 键字指定变量设定输出格式,该格式⽤{}表示。其中FOREGROUND关键字表示前景⾊,BACKGROUND 关键字表示背景⾊,JUST=关键字表示单元格对⻬⽅式*/本例使⽤了⼀种⾃动套⽤格式的⽅法把各⻔课程按照不同区间...
PROC PRINT STYLE (DATA)={BACKGROUND=pink}; 如只需修改某列的表头或数据单元格,可将STYLE=放到VAR语句中: VAR variable-list / STYLE (location-list)={style-attribute=value}; 若想在不同列采用不同style,可写多个VAR语句 10 STYLE=自定义PROC REPORT输出 ...
You can then use this variable as an ACROSS variable and apply the background color to that variable. data class; set sashelp.class; hdr='Statistics'; run; ods _all_ close; ods escapechar='^'; ods excel file='test1.xlsx'; proc report data=class ...