Here is an example of creating integrity constraints for the SHOES SAS data set: proc datasets library=sgflib nolist; modify shoeregions; ic create primkey = primary key (region); run; modify shoes; ic create pkey = primary key (sequenceno); ic create regprodsub = distinct (region ...
Here is an example of creating integrity constraints for the SHOES SAS data set: proc datasets library=sgflib nolist; modify shoeregions; ic create primkey = primary key (region); run; modify shoes; ic create pkey = primary key (sequenceno); ic create regprodsub = distinct (region ...
Here is an example of creating integrity constraints for the SHOES SAS data set: proc datasets library=sgflib nolist; modify shoeregions; ic create primkey = primary key (region); run; modify shoes; ic create pkey = primary key (sequenceno); ic create regprodsub = distinct (region ...
55.. CCoonncclluussiioonnss This work provides a proposed solution to the contradiction between the response speedThainsdwoourtkpuptrcoavpiadbeislitay porfotpyopsiceadl tshoelrumtiaolnactotutahtoersc.onIttreandaibclteiosna b"eqtuwicekenlauthnechr"esponse sopfetehde athnedrmoaultpacuttuactaop...