on X-axis key legend should be : Pain: Grade Mild moderate Severe Trt : a b cI am using below SG plot Procedure to output the figure and here is the code:proc sgplot data=x dattrmap=attrmap;by trtn rowlbl; vbar tptn / response=percent group=grade name="Param" barwidth=0.5 attr...
proc sgplot data=gg; XAXIS LABEL = 'Year' values = (1979 TO 2016 BY 3) type=linear; YAXIS LABEL = 'Production (tonne)' values = (200000 TO 600000 BY 100000); hline production; xaxis fitpolicy=rotate; run; ods graphics/reset=width; ods noresults; ods listing close; ods graphics ...
坐标*/ xaxis label="Months since first dose of study drug" values=(0 to 26 by 2) valueattrs=(color=black family="times new roman/宋体" size=10) labelattrs=(color=black family="Times New Roman/宋体" size=10) fitpolicy=none valuesrotate=diagonal2 ; *刻度值旋转:ROTATE 旋转反向:VALUES...
proc template;define statgraph sgplot;dynamic __BYLINE__;begingraph / collation=binary;EntryTitle __BYLINE__ / textattrs=(size=GraphLabelText:fontsize);layout overlay / yaxisopts=(labelFitPolicy=Split)y2axisopts=(labelFitPolicy=Split);ScatterPlot X=Height Y=Weight / subpixel=off primary=tru...
Here's what PROC FREQ and SGPLOT shows about how common some of the abilities are among the Pokémon. "Levitate" appears to be common (good thing, because I'm not sure that they all have legs). And the table of less common abilities and who has them? Simple to show with PROC PRINT...
SAS有相应的选项来控制不输出分组缺失的数据。在GTL中,使用includemissinggroup=false;在SGPLOT中,使用nomissinggroup。 proc sgplot data=class;styleattrs datacontrastcolors=(green blue);scatter x=height y=weight/group=sex markerattrs=(symbol=starfilled)nomissinggroup;xaxis values=(55to75by5);yaxis value...
plots=survival(strata=panel); time T * Status(0); strata Group; run; proc lifetest data=sashelp.BMT plots=survival(cb=hw test); time T * Status(0); strata Group; run; proc lifetest data=sashelp.BMT plots=survival(cb=ep test); time T * Status(0); strata Group; run; proc ...
Display X Axis Value in multiple lines using PROC SGPLOT in SAS9.2 Posted 06-14-2016 08:55 PM (2826 views) Hi, As the subject indicates, my sas version is 9.2, so the fitpolicy option in the xaxis statment only have the following values: STAGGER,ROTATE,THIN...
I've also tried using the FITPOLICY=thin option, which is closer to what I want as it removes tick labels but keeps the data. But that doesn't keep enough of the x axis ticks and removes the most recent tick label which is most important. Can anyone help me out? proc ...