set long_data; WantedName=COALESCE(WantedName, Wanted_Name); run; Question:What happens or why isn't the original macro_env working? I thought datasets insetwere first loaded and then function applied. (Which is working in the latter data statement. Apparently not... Maybe? The reason is ...
as select a.* ,b.* from as a left join want_wide as b on a.mrform=b.mrform and a.MedReportID=b.MedReportID ; quit; *delete want_wide so it does not exist in next loop in case something goes wrong; proc datasets lib=work nodetails nolist;...
proc sql;selectcats(libname,'.',memname)into:names separated by''fromdictionary.tableswherelibname="OUT"andmemnamein('DS_1','DS_32');quit;/*如果选择 memname not in ('DS_1' 'DS_32'), 则除此之外的所有的数据会被保留下来*/ datawant;set&names;run; %put&names; OUT.DS_1 OUT.DS_3...
/*set-in-临时单个变量*//*可以说是SAS跟R最大的区别的一点就是,SAS内容都是不直接放在内存之中,而是放在数据集中,如果要对数据集的内容进行一些操作,需要先赋值成一些临时变量*/data keep;setone(in=a)two(in=b);/*one变量变成临时变量a,two变量变成临时变量b,同时合并one two变量*/in_one=a;in_two=...
%macrocheck_special_cahr(lib=);data vtable;setsashelp.vtable;wherelibname=%upcase("&lib.");run;proc sql noprint;selectcount(memname)into:num trimmed/*Number of datasets*/fromvtable;selectmemnameinto:dt1-:dt&num/*Names of datasets*/fromvtable;quit;%doi=1%to#data _var_&i.;length ...
As you can see in the output, values of address, and course are missing for data set non_training_department.2. When Different Variable NamesWhen all the data sets contain the same number of variables, but different names, in that case, we can concatenate datasets by applying Rename ...
这里引用→ rhc.csv数据集。rhc.csv 数据集用于探索右心导管手术在重症患者初始护理中的有效性,已发表JAMA杂志论文, PMID: 8782638。主要结局变量为death,手术方式变量为swang1,其他均为协变量,为了演示宏笔者自行添加了随访时间time变量。变量精简如下表2。
多字节字符集MBCS(Multiple-Byte Character Set)是指该字符集中的字符以多个字节来表示。如UTF-8. 3. 指定系统选项的LOCALE= 代码语言:javascript 复制 在启动SAS时,相应的Locale会在启动时加载的SAS配置文件中指定。 4. 编码选项ENCODING= 代码语言:javascript ...
SASDataStep --CombiningMultipleSASDataSets Content Overview Concatenation One-to-OneMergeMatchedMerge 1 1 Fudan_R_Module_020810 Overview Determinewhatyouwanttheoutputtolooklike AA B A 2 B B Fudan_R_Module_020810 Overview Identifyhowtheinputdataisrelated One-to-...
The snippets tab provides features to write SAS Macro and generate files from the existing data setProgram LibrariesSAS stores the datasets in SAS libraries. The temporary library is available only for a single session and it is named as WORK. But the permanent libraries are available always....