(简译:BY 通过自动生成临时变量 FIRST.variable 和 LAST.variable 来识别数据集按照 BY group 中的变量分组后,每组的首行和末行) Use BY In a DATA Step The BY statement applies only to the SET, MERGE, MODIFY, or UPDATE statement that precedes it in the DATA step, and only one BY statement ca...
The maximum record length was 45.NOTE: SAS went to a new line when INPUT statement reached past the end of a line.NOTE: The data set SASLIB.DEFAULT has 3 observations and 4 variables. 在INFILE语句中加入MISSOVER选项后的code如下: filename extfiles 'C:\sas\data';data saslib.missover; l...
SAS dataset 有很多针对数据集的选项(option),这些选项都有同名的 statement. 常见的有: options 和 statement 的功能和使用方法几乎一致,区别在于:statement 只能在 DATA step 中使用;options 在 DATA / PROC step 中都可以使用,既可以用于 read-in data 也可以用于 write-in data, 写法统一是DATA=dataset (opti...
method3:proc sql statement data m3; set example2 array term (4) $ term1 - term4; ...
12.LENGTHStatement 指定存储字节或数字的 变量的字节数。默认为8个字节。 data temp;infile'/folders/myshortcuts/SASShare/Test/hs1.csv'delimiter=','dsd;length prgtype $10;input gender id race ses schtyp prgtype $ read write math science socst;run;/* 默认情况下 , prgtype是8个字节的长度,将...
sas中的sql语句完全教程之一:sql简介与基本查询功能1 sql过程步介绍1.1 sql过程步可以实现下列功能:查询sas数据集从sas数据集中生成报表以不同方式实现数据集合并创建或删除sas 数据集视图索引等更新已存在的数据集使得sa
Which statement about this PROC SORT step is true?proc sort data=orion.staff; out=work.staff_sort; by descending Salary Manager_ID;run; a. The sorted data set overwrites the input data set. b. The observations are sorted by Salary in descending order, and then by Manager_ID in descendin...
/*method3:proc sql statement*/data m3;set example2arrayterm(4)$ term1-term4;doi=1to4;term(i)=scan(group,i,"\");end;run;proc sql;select term1,term2,term3,term4 into:term3_1,:term3_2,:term3_3,:term3_4 from m3;quit;proc sql;/* create table macros as*/select*from diction...
IF expression THEN statement; ELSE statement; 复杂if语句 IF expression THEN DO; executable statements END; ELSE DO; executable statements END; 设置变量长度 LENGTH variable(s) $ length; 取数据集子集 a.WHERE语句 b.DELETE语句 IF expression THEN DELETE; ...
The MERGE statement returns both matches and non-matches by default Merge的变量需要相同的type和name,但是不需要相同的length。如果没有相同的type,error和warning会写到log上,并且merge失败 Merge前必须对by中的变量进⾏排序操作,或by变量有是索引列 ...