在编译阶段pdv自动将累加变量设置为0,如果想要其不为0,那么要用retain语句代替,累加语句可以视为retain的一个特例 Keep,drop语句《不可执行的语句》 Tips:(keep选项和keep语句的区别) data a1;setsashelp.class(keep=name sex);/*keep name sex;*/ *如果使用keep语句而不使用keep选项,那么pdv会读入先所有的变...
Keep is the keyword and it acts as the SAS statement to write the variables that must be declared already on more than one dataset. It can be called in everywhere and anywhere of SAS datasets, without a keep statement means all the datasets are created under the data step that includes al...
proc datasets lib=WORKnoprint;deleteall_date;quit;');callexecute(catt(' data _dat_',_n_,';setSASUSER.',memname,'(keep=',name,'SUBJID);length _dsname_ _varname_ $32._rownum_8_dat_ $16.;retain _dsname_"',memname,'"_varname_"',name,'";_rownum_=_n_;_dat_=',name,';ke...
set 为隐式循环,整个data 步读取set 数据集,直到set 数据集读取完毕后 data 步自动停止执行,读至run 语句后清空pdv(retain 除外),data 步中,没有output 输出时,于run 语句时执行output 到默认数据集当中。 set 在每个data步/do 循环中,读取一条数据(每次循环数据指针下移至下个观测),也就是说,一条set 的...
data employees(drop = Type); length Type $ 3 Department empID $ 3 empName $ 10 Empsal 3 ; retain Department; infile '/folders/myfolders/TutorialsPoint/empdtls.txt' dlm = ':'; input Type $ @; if Type = 'DEP' then input Department $; else do; input empID empName $ Empsal ; out...
Relate, Retain, and Remodel: Creating and Using Context-Sensitive Linguistic Features in Text Mining Models Paper 101-2013: Ken Potter, SAIC ; Robert Hatton, SAIC Data Mining of U.S. Patents: Research Trends of Major Technology Companies Paper 102-2013: Barry deVille, SAS ; Denise Bedford, ...
Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8 (64-bit) 16 Mar 2022 建议 下载 查看校验和 change history lnvgy_fw_storehba_mpt3.5.430- 254.25 KB mpt3.5.430- Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 (64-bit) SUSE Enterprise Linux Server 15 (64-bit) ...
函数:compress/scan/substr/tranwrd/find/index/round/retain/catx/sum 语句:put/input/keep/drop/rename/length/where/if SAS基础(三)---处理数据的函数 函数和语句,顺带讲下PDV 再讲put和input函数 put语句妙用,不是put函数哦 在data步输入日期(日期专题一) ...
Nullif语句是SAS(统计分析系统)中的一个函数,用于比较两个表达式的值。如果这两个表达式的值相等,则Nullif函数返回空值(NULL),否则返回第一个表达式的值。 Nullif函数的语法如下: 代码语言:txt 复制 NULLIF(expression1, expression2) 其中,expression1和expression2是要比较的两个表达式。 Nullif函数的作用是处理可能...
Ready, Set, Retain, and then Maybe Reset Paper 093-2011: Bost, Christopher J. To FREQ, Perchance to MEANS Paper 095-2011: Meng, Xiangxiang The Power to Plot: Three Ways to Enhance SG Graphical Output Paper 096-2011: Karafa, Matthew T. Building Better Macros: Basic Parameter Checking fo...