In pseudocode it would likely look something like this: %let chars_to_replace = '-,+*!.=^!'; *Gives a list of special characters to search for and replace %let char_to_replace_with = '|'; *Gives the character I want to replace with data &_output; set &_input; new_stri...
TRANWRD函数可以把字符串里的指定字符转换成另外一指定字符。 用法:TRANWRD(Source, From, To),Replace from character sting in source with to character string。语句TRANWRD(pct,’( ‘,’ (‘),把pct=“( 10.1%)”变成pct=“ (10.1%)”,也就是把...
ANYNAME Function Searches a character string for a character that is valid in a SAS variable name under VALIDVARNAME=V7, and returns the first position at which that character is found. ANYPRINT Function Searches a character string for a printable character, and returns the first position at w...
or the number of elements in a specified dimension of a multidimensional array. DIM返回一维数组中元素的个数 ,或 多维数组中指定维度的元素个数。*//*tranwrd函数 功能:Replaces all occurrences of a substring in a characterstring. 语法:TRANWRD(source, target, replacement) 使用replacement代替source中出...
(7)upcase(string)/*convert all the letter into upcase*/ 二、字符函数 1、COMPBL(X) 去掉字符串中各字符之间的多个空格为一个空格 The COMPBL function removes multiple blanks in a character string by translating each occurrence of two or more consecutive blanks...
TRANWRD(string, find_what , replace_with) TRANSLATE Below is the syntax of TRANSLATE Function in SAS. TRANSLATE(string, replace_with, find_what) string: The character variable or string. find_what: The character or word to be replaced within the string. ...
DELIMITER= 'string-in-quotation-marks' | character-variable/ DLM= 指定列表输出时所用的分隔符,在别的输出形式中该选项不起作用。缺省情况下为空格。 DROPOVER 规定当输出数据行的长度超过规定值时,忽略超过的部分。 FLOWOVER 规定当输出数据行的长度超过规定值时,超出部分在下一行输出。缺省状态为FLOWOVER。 DS...
1.(right of =) Function,提取字符:Substr(s,p,n)从字符串s中的第p个字符开始提取n个字符的子串。 2 (left of =) Function,字符替换:Substr(s,p,n)=characters-to-replace,从变量s的第p个字符开始替换n个字符 【注意】: 1. 必须是从字符变量中提取,对数值变量不起作用,必须转换为字符变量,如果是数字...
string and numeric variable conversion 在R中,转成字符串用as.character(),转成数值型则是as.numeric() 在SAS中,大部分转化是用out以及input实现的,以sashelp的class数据集为例,可以看到Age,Height,Weight是数值型(可以根据变量值是否右对齐来判断),然后用put将其从数值型转化为字符串型 ...
1:所有的值都是以character strings的形式储存(有个地方不是写的string,不记得是哪,以这个为标准) 2:value的case(大小写)被保留 3:数学运算符号不被运算(如下表的第五条,那么∑*∑就等于4+3*4+3=19) 4:SAS 会将宏对应的值在放到macro symbol时自动移除leading and trailing blanks,除非你用一些特殊的宏...