LEARNING PATH SAS® Advanced Programming For programmers, statistical programmers and data analysts who want to learn advanced programming techniques, how to process data using Structured Query Language (SQL) and use the SAS macro facility. LEARNING PATH SAS® Studio For SAS programmers, statistical...
本课程的专注在于的SAS宏组件,并学习如何设计、编写、与编译宏系统。重点放在理解如何处理宏代码的程序.本课程有助于您获得以下认证考试:SAS Certified Advanced Programmer for SAS 9, SAS Certified Clinical Trials Programmer Using SAS 9.
Stata软件是Stata公司于1985年首次推出的一款小巧的统计软件,目前Stata 13.0的大小也只有十几兆,它进行...
A Tutorial on the SAS® Macro Language John J. Cohen, Advanced Data Concepts LLC, Newark, DEThe SAS Macro language is another language that rests on top of regular SAS code. If used properly, it can make programming easier and more fun. However, not every program is improved by using...
R Tutorial For Beginners 包括安装,环境,基本的命令,操作符等 Data Management in R | Quick-R 从...
先说本人,一直从事HVAC行业,既非IT,又无统计背景。想换行业,于是半年多前接受了一个40小时的SAS Base基础学习,闲置半年后,从九月开始准备考证。所以online tutorial没有看,SAS 50/123题大体看了一遍。因此,以我的情况能够通过的话,我想大家应该可以看出来,即使题库更新了,你们仍然不必太过担心。现在我就...
r SAS.suppressTutorialDialog specifies whether SAS displays the Getting Started Tutorial dialog box at the start of your SAS session. r SAS.useNativeXmTextTranslations specifies whether any XmText widget translations are inherited by all instances of the Text, Combo Box, and Spin Box widgets used...
SAS programming language has features to carry out various types of hypothesis testing as shown below.TestDescriptionSAS PROC T-Test A t-tests is used to test whether the mean of one variable is significantly different than a hypothesized value.We also determine whether means for two independent ...