/*将字体写入SAS注册表中,fontpath 填写字体所在路径*/procfontreg mode=all ;fontpath'E:\日常编程\SAS宏程序发开\字体设置\字体';run; 设置输出 最后其实就是Proc template设置与ODS输出就可以了。 proc template;define style tp_rtf;parent = styles.rtf;replace ...
proc template; define style styles.rtf1; /* defining template name */ parent = styles.rtf; /* parent style template */ replace fonts / /* Titles from TITLE statements */ 'TitleFont' = ("Calibri, Arial, Times Roman",10pt) 'StrongFont' = ("Calibri, Times Roman",8pt, Bold) 'Emphasi...
Proc Template:简单举一例子(仅针对于RTF输出Table,写法很多仅以我常见写法之一为例) 代码语言:javascript 复制 proc template;define style style_tb2;parent=styles.rtf;/*SAS自带Style*/replace fonts/;/*定义字体*/replace header/;/*定义表头*/replace table from output/;/*定义表格线框*/replace cell from...
proc template;define style Styles.Custom;parent = Styles.RTF;replace fonts / 'TitleFont' = ("Times Roman",13pt,Bold) /* Titles from TITLE statements */ 'TitleFont2' = ("Times Roman",12pt,Bold Italic) /* Procedure titles ("The ___Procedure")*/ 'StrongFont' = ("Times ...
/*将字体写入SAS注册表中,fontpath 填写字体所在路径*/proc fontreg mode=all;fontpath'E:\日常编程\SAS宏程序发开\字体设置\字体';run; 设置输出 最后其实就是Proc template设置与ODS输出就可以了。 代码语言:javascript 复制 proc template;define style tp_rtf;parent=styles.rtf;replace fonts/"TitleFont2"=...
proc template;define style Styles.xxx;parent = styles.rtf;style Body from Body /leftmargin = 0.3in rightmargin = 0.3in topmargin = 0.3inbottommargin = 0.3in rules=none frame=void;style Table from Output /frame = void rules = none cellspacing = 0 cellpadding = 0pt;replace fonts from Fon...
proc template; define style styles.test; parent=styles.rtf; style systemtitle from systemtitle / protectspecialchars=off; end; run; ods rtf body='temp.rtf' style=styles.test; proc print data=sashelp.class; title '\ul\ql this is the first \line this is the second'; run; ods rtf clos...
For more information, see SAS Graph Template Language: Reference and SAS Graph Template Language: User's Guide. The second maintenance release for SAS 9.4 has the following changes and enhancements: • The ODS Graphics procedures have a new text plot, a new gradient legend, and several new ...
colorgroup=CLASSATRISK display=(label);%letCensored=markerattrs=(symbol=plus);%letCensorStr="Censored";%letGraphOpts=;%LETsrvtble=YES;%macro StmtsBeginGraph;%mend;%macro StmtsTop;%mend;%macro StmtsBottom;%mend;%macro CompileSurvivalTemplates;%localoutside;proc template;definestatgraphStat.Lifetest...
proc template; delete Styles.MyStyle / store=sasuser.templat; run; proc template; source styles.htmlblue / expand file='style.tmp'; run; data _null_; infile 'style.tmp' pad; input line $char80.; file print; if index(lowcase(line), ' graphfonts ') then y + 1; if y then put ...