Proc Format; INVALUE sexfmt 1=1 2=2; VALUE sexfmt 2='Male' 1='Female';run; proc freq data=adsl order=formatted; tables sexn/out=a; format sexn sexfmt.; run; Output: Case 2: Character to Character Presentation When data is in character, but we want to display it in a different...
答案先导:1、Format过程有两种方式来创建format或者informat,一是使用读入已有数据集来创建;二是使用value或Invalue等来直接创建。2、format可以在put函数或者proc过程中使用,informat可以在input函数或者读入数据时infile使用。 以下我们先来简单看一下Format过程长得啥子样子。 Proc Format过程的Syntax与释义 ProcFormat<o...
PROC FORMAT Statement:Define formats and informats for variablesVALUE <$>name <(format-option(s))> :names the format that you are creating(给自己的格式起一个名字)名字的限制:A numeric format name can be up to 32 characters in length. A character format name can be up to 31 characters ...
proc print data=test; title '学生测验成绩'; run; proc means data=test; title '学生测验成绩分析'; run; 二、SAS利用InFile导入数据 SNYTAX : INFILE 'file-specification' [options]; 其中: file-specification:指定了要读取的数据文件的完整路径和文件名。可以使用双引号" "包围,尤其是在文件名中包含空格...
proc print data=MYXLS.NORTH$n;run; Answer: D-4.The following SAS program is submitted: data WORK.DATE_INFO; Day=01 ; Yr=1960 ; X=mdy(Day,01,Yr) ; run; What is the value of the variable X A. the numeric value 0 B. the character value 01011960 C. a missing value due to ...
Go to Solution Converting numeric to character via format Posted 04-05-2013 04:11 PM (1406 views) Hi, I have numeric data representing provinces that I formatted as characters using a proc format proc format value provFmt 10='NL' 11='NS' ... I can use the character value in a ...
_numeric_数值变量_character_字符变量_all_所有变量 二、 计算生日函数mdy(m,d,y) Informat输入格式 Format输出格式 在默认情况下,SAS系统以0代表1960年1月1日0时。 其它日期在SAS系统中被存储为与该日期相差的天数。 变量类型转换: 字符自动转换为数值 数值自动转换为字符 ...
PROC FORMAT 生成的用户自定义格式的PUT函数 而创建分组变量的最简单和最常见方法,就是使用一系列IF-THEN语句。并且,通过在IF语句中添加关键字ELSE,可以告知这些语句是相关的,用法类似于Python中的双分支和多分支。 IF-THEN/ELSE 语句 基本语法: ifconditionthenaction;elseifconditionthenaction;elseifconditionthenacti...
Desired to gain proficiency on SAS? Explore the blog post onSAS Trainingto become a pro in SAS. /* to load the data */ /* character to character */ Eg: Proc format;In value $gn ‘F’ = ‘female’‘M’ = ‘male’;Run;Data demo;Input pname $ gender $ gn;Cards;Alfred M 14 ...
d. all of the above Correct answer: d Although you can write SAS statements in almost any format, a consistent layout enhances readability and enables you to understand the program's purpose. It's a good idea to begin DATA and PROC steps in column one, to indent statements within a step...