指定library:libname clinic 'd:\users\qtr\reports'; (路径可以在文件夹上方地址那里直接复制) 导入SPSSlibnamelibref spss 'path'; 查看library的内容,除了点击,还可以:proc contents data=libref._all_ nods; run; proc contents data=myda.test; run; 查看dataset的内容,proc datasets; contents data=libref.t...
proc sql;selectcats(libname,'.',memname)into:names separated by''fromdictionary.tableswherelibname="OUT"andmemnamein('DS_1','DS_32');quit;/*如果选择 memname not in ('DS_1' 'DS_32'), 则除此之外的所有的数据会被保留下来*/ datawant;set&names;run; %put&names; OUT.DS_1 OUT.DS_3...
proc contents data = test4._all_ nods;run; /*data等于test1下面的所有数据 ,输出结果为逻辑库信息*/ proc contents data = class varnum;run; * class没有输入逻辑库名,默认为临时逻辑库work。varnum表示输出结果按照数据大小排序,默认为按变量名的字母顺序排序。 proc datasets library = test1;run;quit; ...
proc contents data=sashelp.cars short varnum; run; How to run PROC CONTENTS on the entire library To run PROC CONTENTS on all the datasets in a SAS library, we can use the keyword_ALL_. proc contents data=work._all_; run; How to save output of PROC CONTENTS in a dataset We can u...
datasets过程的一般格式如下: proc datasets <选项列表>; age 当前文件名 相关文件名列表</选项列表>; append base=数据集名 <data=数据集名 其它选项>; audit 文件名<(操作密码)>; initiate;<其它代码;> change 旧文件名1=新文件名1 <…旧文件名n=新文件名n> <选项列表>; contents <data=数据集名> ...
*)\\.*/\1/,-1,&setup_)); proc datasets library=work kill nolist; quit; %mend; %setpaths; ods escapechar='^'; option nomprint nosymbolgen nomlogic nomfile; option nobyline nodate nonumber orientation="PORTRAIT" papersize=A4 ; title1 justify = c "(*ESC*){style rowheader [color=...
proc datasets library=sashelp; modify class; label weight="体重(斤)"; format weight best6.2; run; quit; 7.纵向合并数据集时,如果生成的目标表就是来源表之一,那么proc append会比data步更有效率。 data test1; do i=1 to 10000000; x=1;y=1;z=1; ...
PROC FREQ PROC SORT PROC COMPARE SAS Others 创建Library 压缩数据集,节省空间 导出log 导出html 导出Excel 导出图片到Excel SAS Code 获得data中的所有variables PROC CONTENTS DATA=dataset; ODS OUTPUT VARIABLES=output_dataset (KEEP=VARIABLE); RUN; 创建新table并依据多个variables进行left join PROC SQL; CREA...
libname:Library Name memname:Member Name name:Column Name type:Column Type length:Column Length label:Column Label format:Column Format 这张表是针对数据集内变量属性与结构的...这儿我就不举例子了,和上面的一样类似... Proc Contents 在SAS中还有另外一种获取逻辑库下所有数据集/指定数据集结构的方式....
You can run the following step to delete the entire Sasuser item store (including all compiled graph and style templates that you added or modified) so that ODS uses only the templates the SAS System supplies: ods path sashelp.tmplmst(read); proc datasets library=sasuser nolist; delete ...