Proc compare 的标准语句如下: PROC COMPARE <options>; BY <DESCENDING> variable-1 <<DESCENDING> variable-2 ...> <NOTSORTED>; ID <DESCENDING> variable-1 <<DESCENDING> variable-2 ...> <NOTSORTED>; VAR variable(s); WITH variable(s); 如果两个dataset 完全相同,compare report 结果如下: 在我...
proc sort data=emp95_byidnum; by idnum; run; proc sort data=emp96_byidnum; by idnum; run; title 'Comparing Observations that Have Matching IDNUMs'; proc compare base=emp95_byidnum compare=emp96_byidnum listall; id idnum; run; ...
PROC COMPARE is one of the SAS® procedures used to demonstrate a perfect match between production and validation data sets. In the current practice, the programmer must manually review the output file to ensure an exact match. The proposed approach programmatically validates the output of PROC ...
SAS利用proc compare进行双录入校验和数据核对 AS利用proc compare进行双录入校验和数据核对 (2010-08-16 23:26:26)转载▼ 标签: 杂谈 1、简单比较两个数据集 FILE_1.TXT 001M10211946130 80 002F12201950110 70 003M09141956140 90 004F10101960180100 007m10321940184110 FILE_2.TXT 001M1021194613080 002F122...
I have many SAS datasets that I use proc compare to find none equals and looking over them to find the columns of interest is tedious. (1 of table containing 881 variables and 3.2 million records, So the examples below have been modified for simplicity). proc compare base=&mydata. compare...
PROC FREQ PROC SORT PROC COMPARE SAS Others 创建Library 压缩数据集,节省空间 导出log 导出html 导出Excel 导出图片到Excel SAS Code 获得data中的所有variables PROC CONTENTS DATA=dataset; ODS OUTPUT VARIABLES=output_dataset (KEEP=VARIABLE); RUN; 创建新table并依据多个variables进行left join PROC SQL; CREA...
Building custom apps on top of SAS Viya, Part Four: Examples Welcome back to my series on securely integrating custom applications into your SAS Viya platform. My goal today is to lay out some examples of the concepts I introduced in the previous posts. As a quick recap: In the first ...
This paper will present a macro that produces acondensed version of the PROC COMPARE output. The program below utilizes SASHELP.VTABLE to compare entire libraries, not just data sets.Lila ThomePPD DevelopmentMorrisville
This article demonstrates how to use PROC GENMOD to perform a Poisson regression in SAS. There are different examples in the SAS documentation and in conference papers, but I chose this example because it uses two categorical explanatory variables. Therefore, the Poisson regression can be visualized...
proc compare base=old compare=new out=Out_ds outnoequal; id code; run; /*Get all the variable names from output dataset which you are comparing*/ proc sql ; select strip(name) into :vnames separated by " " from dictionary.columns where libname="WORK" and upcase(memname)="OUT_DS" ...