%macrodoloop(path=G:\微信公众号\MacroFolder\excel,xlsname=Test,lib=EXCEL);proc contentsdata=Excel._ALL_ out=_varstemp10(keep=MEMNAME)DIRECTORYNOPRINTMEMTYPE=dataCENTILES;proc sortdata=_varstemp10 out=_varstemp10 nodupkey;byMEMNAME;run;data contents;set_varstemp10;N=_N_;sht=compress('=...
proc import datafile='D:\RDS\daydayup\music.csv' out=music_1 dbms=csv replace; getnames=no; proc print data=music_1; title 'customers at each gig new '; run; 2、利用import procedure来读取excel文件 /* replace 可选,如存在则替换 */ /* sheet 读取哪个sheet表*/ /* range="sheet表名$A1...
This paper presents a more complete and readable way for representing Proc Contents information in Excel using XML. XML usage makes it possible to even read the datasets from UNIX and generate the Excel sheets on Windows. CDISC compliant content generation makes it easy to generate the DEFINE....
PROC FREQ PROC SORT PROC COMPARE SAS Others 创建Library 压缩数据集,节省空间 导出log 导出html 导出Excel 导出图片到Excel SAS Code 获得data中的所有variables PROC CONTENTS DATA=dataset; ODS OUTPUT VARIABLES=output_dataset (KEEP=VARIABLE); RUN; 创建新table并依据多个variables进行left join PROC SQL; CREA...
sheetchar; else do; output; sheetname=; if sheetchar=8cx then endsheetname=1; else input +10 sheetchar $ 3、1.; end; end; end; end; stop; run; %let xlinfile=f:temptest.xls; libname exfile &xlinfile.; proc contents data=exfile._all_ memtype=data out=exsheet(keep=memname) no...
proc contents data=sashelp.class noprint out=class_variable; run; data class_variable; set class_variable; where type=1;/*1代表数值型变量,0代表字符型变量*/ keep NAME; run; %macro DsVar; %let dsid=%sysfunc(open(class_variable)); ...
3 proc contents 问数据集标签和代码 4 根据条件输出多个数据集 然后问哪个数据集的第几行观测 求...
第一个filename 是先将变量名输入到Excel 或者label名称输入到Excel。...在真正输出的过程中,操作方法如下: 1.先获取待输出数据集的变量结构,proc contents 或者sql 中的数据集字典的方式 获取变量的label/变量名称然后通过复制给一个宏变量,通过第一个filname...将变量名给输出到Excel 2.第二个filen...
proc contents data=hsb2; run; SAS导入数据:SAS recognizes the file type to be imported by file extension. 对数据长度的限制 在一些操作环境,SAS假定外部文件的纪录对最长为256(一行数据包括空格等所有字符在内的长度),如果预计读入的纪录长度超过256,可在Infile语句中使用LRECL=n 这个命令。
This includes XML (eXtensible Markup Language), EXCELXP, LaTeX, CSV (comma-separated values), and many other formats where data can be thought of as separated by tags. The DO CUMENT destination, on the other hand, allows you to create a reusable output “document” that yo u can re...