Macro(宏语言)示例 创建新table并提取data的前100行 删除数据前100行 纵向拼接数据_1 纵向拼接数据_2 SQL Variable名字拼接 导入数据前依据条件进行筛选(Data Step) 将数据等分10份 查看string中是否存在某个substring DATA STEP PROC FREQ PROC SORT PROC COMPARE SAS Others 创建Library 压缩数据集,节省空间 导出...
In this example, you invoke SAS on a UNIX operating environment on September 20, 2001 (the librefs DEPT and TEST are defined in the file) with a command like the following:sas program-name -sysparm dept.projects -config /myid/config.sasMacro variable SYSPARM supplies the name ...
Accessing a SAS® Variable Label: An Example of the Use of Macro VariablesIn this paper, I give a short overview on the use of SAS macro variables. The latter can be a valuable tool for many SAS programmers. The paper introduces macro variables as a way to ease making routine changes ...
/*程序三*//***Example to call this macro:%city(province=xxx)***/%macrocity(province=);dataoutprov;setadcode;whereprov="&province.";run;procexportdata=outprovoutfile="P:\SAS 培训\output\&province..xlsx"dbms=excelreplacelabel;sheet="&province.";run;%mendcity;/*宏程序的调用*/%city(p...
%include""; 运行后日志如下: 可以看到,日志当中只显示了这一段代码,并无其他信息。但其实SAS会运行程序文件中的所有程序。因为该程序中只有宏程序的定义,因此并无日志显示出来。在WORK逻辑库可以看到的确生成了该程序文件中定义的3个宏。
Is there a possible solution to use macro variable as alias when the returned value of macro is number?I want to rewrite a column name as 202203. %let date = %sysfunc(today()); %let me = %sysfunc(intnx(month,&date,-1),yymmn6.); %put &me; proc sql; create table final as ...
• Define a global macro variable with theINTO clauseon thePROC SQL SELECTstatement. Where and When they can be used? You can reference global macro variables throughout the SAS session in which they are created. They can be referenced fromopen codeand frominside macro programs. ...
2、的。MACRO 考的不难,就是怎么RESOLVE、怎么分清LOCAL和GLOBAL的MACRO VARIABLE。但SQL有一些题是考SUBQUERY,很费时间但又没有百分百的把握。还有ADVANCED TECHNIQUE 考了很多提高EFFICIENCY 的问题,我都没有复习,所以只能猜了。无论如何,这两周算是没白辛苦。谢谢人大论坛提供的资料。希望各位待考的同学还是别轻...
Example: Using %UNQUOTE to Unmask Values This example demonstrates a problem that can arise when the value of a macro variable is assigned using a macro quoting function and then the variable is referenced in a later DATA step. If the value is not unmasked before it reaches the SAS compiler...
SAS_MACRO_简介 SASMACRO简介 西南财经大学统计学院 目标 •使用系统(或自动的)macro变量•创建和使用用户定义的macro变量•定义和调用macro程序块•定义和调用带参数的macro程序块•Macro程序块的if、do使用 SASMacro语言 用于字符串操作的第二SAS编程语言 使用系统macro变量 问题:PROCPRINTDATA=DEPTSALE;TITLE...