Export multiple tables from SAS to .csv Posted 03-09-2012 01:05 PM (17643 views) | In reply to DiG %MACRO OKOK(LOCATION,FILENAME); ODS CSV FILE=&LOCATION; PROC PRINT DATA=&FILENAME; RUN; ODS CSV CLOSE; %mend OKOK; %OKOK("Location\Filename.CSV",Libname.dataset); 0 Likes ...
Also there should not be any reference to any macro statements inside such comments. It can span multiple lines and can be of any length.. Following is a single line comment example − * This is comment ; Following is a multiline comment example − * This is first line of the ...
/*方法一、filename 和proc import */ filename score "P:\SAS 培训\example1.csv" encoding='utf-8'; proc import out= test1 datafile=score dbms=csv replace; delimiter=','; *指定分割符; getnames=yes; run; /*方法二、data 步infile 语句,可以更改变量的格式*/ data test1a; infile "P:\SAS...
%macrocsv_csv2sas(path=,csvname=,colmax=%str(10000),outds=,encoding=gb2312,varr=0,labelr=1,length=500); /*options mprint macrogen;*/ options nomprint nomacrogen; options nonotes ; %if "%upcase(%scan(&csvname.,-1,'.'))"^="CSV" AND "%upcase(%scan(&csvname.,-1,'.'))"^...
28、l reference Step 5: Data are appended onto the master data set.Sample Code 2 shows a more automated process to import all of the data in multiple sheets, from multiple Excel files, into the master data set in only one macro call.Sample Code 2: Processing all the Excel filesoptions ...
What's New in SAS 9, 9.1, 9.1.2, and 9.1.3 PDF Most Used Documentation Base SAS 9.1.3 Procedures Guide, Second Edition PDF SAS 9.1.3 Language Reference: Concepts PDF SAS 9.1.3 Language Reference: Dictionary, Fifth Edition PDF SAS 9.1 Macro Language: Reference PDF SAS 9.1 National Langua...
367 Appendix A Detailed explanations of the SAS code for the Poisson data analysis %macro fertility; - Create a SAS macro named 'fertility'. ods graphics on; - Turn the graphics Output Delivery System (ODS) on. proc mcmc - Call the MCMC procedure data¼ fertility - This is an option ...
• SAS macro based. • Embed training and scoring processes into customized applications. Scalable processing • Server-based processing. • Grid computing, in-database and distributed in-memory processing options. • Asynchronous model training. • Ability to stop processing cleanly. • ...
Gotcha #1: Importing Microsoft Excel files Imagine you have a program that looks like this: proc importout=work.class datafile="c:\temp\class.xls"DBMS = EXCEL;run; On 64-bit SAS for Windows, you might be surprised to encounter this error: ...
%macro export_to_excel(); %local varlist idx var; proc sql noprint; select distinct sex into: varlist separated by '||' from sashelp.class; quit; %let idx = 1; %do %while ( %scan(&varlist, &idx, %str(||)) ne %str() ); %let var=%scan(&varlist, &idx, %str(||));...