Macro variables are just a text substitution mechanism. When you execute SAS code, the value of the macro variable (a text string) is substituted into SAS code (where the macro variable was in the code), and this substitution of macro variable value into the code MUST produce valid working ...
concatenate two null-terminated strings (limited) strncmp compare portions of two strings strncpy copy a limited portion of a null-terminated string strpbrk find first occurrence of character of set in string strrchr locate the last occurrence of a character in a string strrcspn loc...
This example shows a function named concat, which can be used to concatenate any number of strings. A sample call is concat(3, a, b, c); This has the same effect as strcat(a,b); strcat(a,c); (The first argument is the total number of strings.) ...
I am trying to write a short macro for the regression model, where I need to create a string for the class variable for proc logistics. I have the following information: %let Catvariable = Sex Race RUCC Treatment; %let Reference = F W U P; I want to create a string from the above...
Stop SAS Macro Processing on Error Count number of variables assigned in a macro variable Example of a dynamic %DO Loop Get Variable Names from a Dataset Run SAS Procedure on Multiple Datasets Building SAS Macro Library Dropping Variables Ending with a Specific String ...
long. I also applied sensible variable names, and I even specified SAS formats and informats to transform some columns during the import process. For example, instead of reading the message "datetime" field as a character string, I coerced the value into a numeric variable with a DATETIME ...
How to Concatenate Values Learn how use the CAT functions in SAS to join values from multiple variables into a single value. Find more tutorials on the SAS Users YouTube channel. SAS Training: Just a Click Away Ready to level-up your skills? Choose your own adventure. Browse our catalog!
MySQL下的字符串聚合函数group_concat是一个非常实用的字符串合并函数, sas下的宏实现, %macro group_concat(input, output, id, string, length); data &output (drop=string_old); set &input (rename=(&string=string_old)); by &id; retain &string; length &string $ &length; * set large enough...
I have tried the following (creating the string as a macro variable to insert into the template): data _null; *call symputx('testtitle', catx('0A'x, "Line1", "Line2")); call symputx('testtitle', "Line1(*ESC*){newline}Line2"); *call symputx('testtitle',...
Concatenate and Parse Data in SAS Tip: How to parse table/column names with special characters parsing a character string into new variables Parse special characters from REST API response Parse character string with multiple delimiters Discussion stats 4 replies 02-03-2017 01:30 AM 108...