%let V7 = var_15; My question is: Is there anyway we can simplify this process to pair up macro values to macro variables, instead of writing 8 %let statements? Thanks. Joe 0 Likes 1 ACCEPTED SOLUTION Steelers_In_DC Barite | Level 11 Re: Simplify multiple %let statement Posted...
Can you sort on multiple variables? Yes How do you create a grouped report? Step 1 Use the SORT procedure to group data in adata set. Step 2 Use a BY statement in PROC PRINT to displaythe sorted observations grouped by the variable of interest. True or False, The DESCENDING option reve...
%let cat_var=sex_01 race_123 income_1234 cat1_123456789 dnr1_01 ca_012 resp_01 card_01 neuro_01 gastr_01 renal_01 meta_01 hema_01 seps_01 trauma_01 ortho_01 swang1_01; %let num_var=age das2d3pc surv2md1 aps1 scoma1 wtkilo1 temp1 meanbp1 resp1 hrt1 pafi1 paco21 ph1 wbl...
ll need to quickly go from concept to production. Although this example consumed image data, you can use any type of data. This comprehensive solution also provides tools to maintain and govern model development, as well as everything you need to visualize and cleanse new data sources. Let’...
The answer is to use libname statement. Let's say that we have an Excel file called auto.xls in directory "d:temp" and we want to convert it into a SAS data file (call it myauto) and put it into the directory "c:dissertation". Here is what we can do. ...
Now, let's examine RMSE and Cp. Interestingly enough, in terms of both RMSE and Cp, the full model is worse than the two-variable model. The RMSE of the best two-variable is 1.81 but that of the full model is 1.83 (see the red arrow in the right panel)! The Cp of the best tw...
read_sav("/path/to/sav/file.sav", apply_value_formats=False) # now let's add them to a second copy df_enriched = pyreadstat.set_value_labels(df, meta, formats_as_category=True, formats_as_ordered_category=False) Internally each variable is associated with a label set. This ...
predicted based on known value of other variables. The response variable is categorical, meaning it can assume only a limited number of values. With binary logistic regression, a response variable has only two values such as 0 or 1. In multiple logistic regression, a response variable can have...
First, let us agree on a problem: I have a list of variables—say, mpg, weight, and displ—and I want to do something to each of them. Just to fix ideas, let's pretend that I want to add 1 to each. Thus one solution is ...
According to Simon, “Since implementing SAS, efficiencies afforded by analytics have reduced costs at the university by more than $1 million. Factor in the positive impacts on student success, and you’ve got a strong analytics culture where decision making generates wins on multiple fronts.” ...