Internet, Intranets, and The Web SAS/IntrNet™ Software: A Roadmap Donald J. Henderson, SAS Institute Inc. Abstract Web Publishing, CGI, Java™, ActiveX®, JavaScript™, Dynamic HTML, Web Publishing, Compute Services, Data Services, Report Distribution, Application Distribution, Application...
Ahead (Intranet) AIForged AIHW MyHospitals (Independent Publisher) AikiDocs Airlabs Airly (Independent Publisher) Airmeet airSlate Airtable (Independent Publisher) [已弃用] Alemba ITSM Aletheia Alkymi allGeo Ally Almabase Almanac (Independent Publisher) ALVAO Amazon Redshift Amazon S3 Amazon S3 Bucket...
Ahead (Intranet) AIForged AIHW MyHospitals (Independent Publisher) AikiDocs Airlabs Airly (Independent Publisher) Airmeet airSlate Airtable (Independent Publisher) [非推奨] Alemba ITSM Aletheia Alkymi allGeo Ally Almabase Almanac (Independent Publisher) ALVAO Amazon Redshift Amazon S3 Amazon S3 Bucket...
Ahead Ahead (Intranet) AIForged AIHW MyHospitals (Independent Publisher) AikiDocs Airlabs Airly (Independent Publisher) Airmeet airSlate Airtable (unabhängiger Herausgeber) [VERALTET] Alemba ITSM Aletheia Alkymi allGeo Ally Almabase Almanac (Independent Publisher) ALVAO Amazon Redshift Amazon S3 Ama...
The Biometrics Department of Gilead Sciences, Inc. (GSI) has developed a Comments System that has streamlined the process of the internal review of tables, figures and listings (TFLs). GSI's Comments Sys tem has created efficiencies, and further improvements to the system may be expected ...
SAS软件介绍-Colin 美国SAS软件研究所(SASInstituteInc.)创建于1976年。27年来,SAS软件研究所一直致力于为金融、医药研发、保险、电信、制造、政府以及科研教育等部门,在SAS的数据仓库,统计分析、联机分析处理系统,数据挖掘,Intranet和各种瘦客户端的核心产品和技术之上,为各种企业提供客户关系管理、信贷风险分析和管理...
\intranet\ftpin.txt', to logon and transfer the 'usagcpu.gif' to our Intranet environment replacing previous day's chart: filename cpucport 'd:\intranet\cpucport.txt'; libname intranet 'd:\intranet\'; /* Import the transport file to a SAS data set */ proc cimport data=intranet....
# ## Core Settings # # MODE options: [desktop|server] default: `desktop` # Desktop mode is single user and designed for workstation use # Server mode is multi-user and suitable for intranet / internet use MODE= # A comma separated string that defines the available runTimes. # Priority ...
a character string that is used by a Web browser or other software application to access or identify a resource on the Internet or on an intranet. The resource could be a Web page, an electronic image file, an audio file, a JavaServer page, or any other type of electronic object. The...