cards; 01/23/2012 02/04/2012 09/21/2012 ; data want; set have; day_at_end_of_month=day(intnx('month',date,0,'e')); proc print;run; 0 Likes Reply Register Today! Join us for SAS Innovate 2025, our biggest and most exciting global event of the year, in Orlando, FL, from Ma...
2、INTNX函数增加以DOUBLE编码的SAS日期、时间或datetime值,并返回以DOUBLE编码的SAS日期、时间或datetime值。 INTNX Function Increments a SAS date, time, or datetime value encoded as a DOUBLE, and returns a SAS date, time, or datetime value encoded as a DOUBLE. INTNX函数按指定间隔递增时间,在不设置...
日期前面补0 String(new Date().getMonth()+1).padStart(2,0) 获得月份,此时类型为Number new Date...
alignment:controls the position of SAS dates within the interval(Default:BEGINNING,MIDDLE,END,SAME),是字符型在函数中要打引号。 alignment应用的区别 data a; a='05jan2007'd; yBegin=intnx('month',a,3,'beginning'); y=intnx('month',a,3); ...
Warn""ing: need imputation "USUBJID=AESTDTC=;end;/**Imputation of AEENDTC**;*/iflength(strip(AEENDTC))>=10then AENDT=input(AEENDTC,yymmdd10.);elseiflength(strip(AEENDTC))=7then do;/**Impute Day**;*/AENDT_IMP=intnx('month',input(strip(AEENDTC)||"-01",yymmdd10.),0,'E...
b=intnx('months', a, inp); put b; end; run; Output: 1. In the above example, we calculated the day, month, and year of the current scenario, and we used the format like begin and end date with date9. 2. Based on the above format, we can declare the inputs in the begin an...
x=intnx('month',input("&StrtDt",mmddyy10.),i,'end'); y=x; format y mmddyy10.;output;end;run;proc print;run; 0 Likes jbear Calcite | Level 5 Re: Generate month end dates (past/future) Posted 07-23-2013 02:46 PM (659 views) | In reply to Linlin It worked! thanks!
INTNX函数:用于在给定日期上增加或减少指定的时间间隔,返回新的日期值。 TODAY函数:返回当前日期。 DATE函数:将数字转换为日期值。 YEAR、MONTH、DAY函数:分别返回日期的年、月、日部分。 间隔函数: INTCK函数:用于计算两个日期之间的时间间隔,返回指定单位的间隔数。