字符型转数值型:指定input函数,语法是target_var = input(source_var, informat); 数值型转字符型:指定put函数,语法是target_var = put(source_var, format); 注意点: a)一个input一个put,input对应informat,put对应format; b)informat是输入格式,format是输出格式; c)informat和format都是数值型格式(或日期型...
另外,读体重的时候,是小数点,SAS中小数点的读取是从后向前的,因此对于63,先读到3被作为小数点后的部分,就会被读成6.3;640读成64.0,这个比较奇怪 输出时间格式的时候,需要用format定义worddate. 格式 这里特别注意,这个格式后面要加个.,如果不加是没有效果的 格式列表 格式列表用于变量多且格式相似的情况 score1...
outdt=);**Get small n;proc meansdata=&indt.nway completetypes;format &trtvar.&trtfmt..;class&trtvar./preloadfmt mlf order=data;format &catvar.$&catfmt..;class&catvar./preloadfmt mlf order=data;varflag;output n=countout=count1;run;**Get percentage;datacount2;merge count1bign(keep=...
expectedTypesis an array describing the types of the columns that are required. The order is important and indicates the sequence that columns are assigned in the Roles tab in VA. Example: ["string", "number", "number"]. Valid types are "string", "number", and "date". optionalTypesis ...
{"description":"Input string for new GUID associated with assigning built in role types."} },"startDateTime": {"type":"string","defaultValue":"[utcNow('u')]","metadata": {"description":"Current Universal DateTime in ISO 8601 'u' format to use as the start of the SAS token."} }...
you can producesome numbers like 177 or 480 while producing other numbers like 590 or52 is impos...
proc format; value trt01pn (notsorted multilabel) 1 = 1 2 = 2 1,2 = 99 ; run; proc means data = class0 nway completetypes; format trt01pn trt01pn.; class trt01pn / preloadfmt mlf order = data; var height; output n=n_ mean=mean_ std=sd_ median=median_ q1=q1_ q3=q3_ ...
bytrt01an name;run;**2.2Getdataforsmall n;dataclass_n;setclass;ifavisitn>1;*Flagforcont;flag=1;proc sort;bytrt01an avisitn;run;***3.Calculate statistics;**3.1Derive BigNandsave themtomacro vars;proc meansdata=class_bign nway completetypes;format trt01an trt01an.;classtrt01an/preload...
CCDE, CCENT, Cisco Eos, Cisco Lumin, Cisco Nexus, Cisco StadiumVision, Cisco TelePresence, Cisco WebEx, the Cisco logo, DCE, and Welcome to the Human Network are trademarks; Changing the Way We Work, Live, Play, and Learn and Cisco Store are service marks; and Access Registrar, Aironet,...
Allowable column types are: "logical" (stored as uchar), "integer" (stored as int32), "float32" (the default for floating point data for .xdf files), "numeric" (stored as float64 as in R), "character" (stored as string), "factor" (stored as uint32), "int16" (alternative to ...