Proc Format过程的Syntax与释义 ProcFormat<options>;Excludeentry(s);Selectentry(s);Picturename<(format-options)><<value-range-set-1<(picture-1-options)><value-range-set-2<(picture-2-options)>...>;Invalue<$>name<(informat-options)><value-range-set(s)>;Value<$>name<(format-options)><va...
Syntax of IF-THEN-ELSE IF : LOGICAL OPERATORS SymbolicMnemonicMeaningExample &ANDBoth conditions trueIF gender =’M’ and age =1; |OREither condition trueIF gender =’M’ or age =1; ~ or ^NOTReverse the statementIF country not IN(‘US’,’IN’); ...
“IF Sex =‘f’,是标准 IF-THEN 语句的一个特例。 等同于 “IF Sex =‘f’ then delete; continue:结束本次循环,进入下一次循环。跟do select配合使用。 leave :相当于C里的break。作用是结束循环,执行下面语句。跟do select配合使用。 return:结束本次data 步 ,在返回之前会把数据输出到目标数据集。 DE...
16、nal_record ; Do i=1 to 100 ; /*对单一记录进行100次的重复判断*/ If then do ; End; End;Run;Proc print data=record ;Run;一段工整的程序463.2 SAS逻辑库47 Library是存储数据集和目录文件的文件夹 实质上仅是对计算机物理地址的影射 3.2.1 SAS逻辑库概念483.2.2 两类SAS逻辑库永久文件逻辑库...
if 11<=a<=15 then do; group='C'; output b3; end; if 16<=a then do;group='D'; output b4;end; run; data d1; set b1; group1=group; patient1=patient; keep group1 patient1; run; data d3; set b3; group3=group; patient3=pat...
Syntax <variable=>SUBSTR(string, position<,length>) Details In a DATA step, if the SUBSTR (right of =) function returns a value to a variable that has not previously been assigned a length, then that variable is given the length of the first argument...
SAS Base 50题 带解释【终极版】SAS 认证考试样题 SAS 中文论坛网站 SAS 中文论坛FTP 站 1.A raw data file is listed below.1---+---10---+---20---+--- son Frank 01/31/89 daughter June 12-25-87 brother Samuel 01/17/51 The follo...
An Overview of Syntax Check Mode and Why It Is Important Paper 328-2013: Kamya Khanna, ICF International ; Wen Song, ICF International Converting Thousands of Variables from Character to Numeric: The One-Hour Fix Paper 329-2013: Rebecca Ottesen, City of Hope and Cal Poly State University, Sa...
参考答案 可用如下程序 data salary; drop heji; input mingzi$ gonghao jiben gangtie jiangjin ; heji=jiben+gangtie+jiangjin; if heji1600 then koushui=(heji-1600)*0.2; else koushui=0; shifa=heji-koushui; datalines; 张三 217 500 300 300 李四 335 800 400 500 王五 442 1000 500 800 ; ...