Pradnya Pethkar An advanced degree, an internship and a certification led this data scientist to land her dream career in New Zealand. Read Pradnya's story ENGINEER & DATA SCIENTIST Timothy Bowtell Timothy's story proves it's never too late to change careers if you have enough ambition. Fin...
Whether you're a fresh graduate with limited experience or a seasoned professional, a chemist or an aerospace engineer, an MBA holder aiming for their first executive position or a student trying to secure a reputable internship, regardless of your profession, the core training modules will equip...
To Deliver Practical Understanding of Regulatory Obligations. To share that Regulatory Compliance is a step on the Organization’s Journey. To Maximize Delivery & Minimize Client Cost To Support Organizational Excellence. We grow if we are genuine & achieve client satisfaction....
%PUT NOTE: Intiating SORT of SAShelp.Cars %Get_Date %Get_Time; %LET Sleep_Time = %SYSFUNC(SLEEP(1,1)); PROC SORT DATA=SAShelp.Cars OUT =WORK.Cars; BY MPG_Highway; RUN; I'm adding a SYSFUNC(SLEEP(1,1)) after the initial %PUT. This puts the job to "sleep" (suspends execut...
Like Moncy, Oelgoetz was impressed by how she was received at NCSA during this phase of the internship. “I have been welcomed into the ACCESS community, which has supported me generously through my continued learning.” Oelgoetz also spoke specifically about one of the important face...