逻辑运算符如下 Logical Comparison Memonic Symbol Equal to EQ = Not equal to NE ^= or ~= or ¬= Less than LT < Less than or equal to LE <= Greater than GT > Greater than or equal to GE >= Equal to one in a list IN 下述代码将依年龄进行分组 data conditional; length Gender $ ...
ampersand ( & ) and not the word "and". This works: var_a >= 1 & var_b <= 10 where this does not: var_a >= 1 and var_b <= 10 These are the operators that are different in Stata: Symbol Definition& and| or >= greater than or equal to <= less than or equal to ...
>= The GREATER THAN or EQUAL TO Operator. (V2 >= V1) gives 0. IN The IN Operator. If the value of the variable is equal to any one of the values in a given list of values, then it returns 1 else it returns 0. V1 in (5,7,9,8) gives 1. Example DATA MYDATA1; input @...
ERROR: Expression using greater than or equal (>=) has components that are of different data types. 0 Likes Reeza Super User Re: help with syntax error Posted 11-18-2021 01:33 PM (1942 views) | In reply to LMSSAS It was easy to find that first error because SAS underlined ...
SymbolDefinition ∧ |or >=greaterthanorequalto <=lessthanorequalto ==equality(forequalitytesting) !=doesnotequal !not ^power Note:Symbolshavetobeintheordershown: ">="not"=>". /*thisisacomment*/*thisisalsoa comment; /*thisisacomment*/*thisisalsoacomment// ...
greater-thansymbol()toindicatethatthedirectoryisaddedtoofthesearch pathlist;aless-thansymbol()toindicatethatthedirectoryisinsertedatfrontofthe searchpathlist;oraminussign(-)toindicatethatthedirectoryisremovedfromthe searchpathlist.Thedefauirectoryisaddedtoofthesearchpath. TheSAVEoptionatindicatesthatthesearchpa...
12.2 Involuntary refunds 12.2.1 If you are entitled to a refund in accordance with article 11, the amount of the refund shall be as follows:(a) If no portion of the Ticket has been used, an amount equal to the fare paid;(b) If a portion of the Ticket has been used, the refund ...
The value n must be greater than or equal to 5. The default value is 105. NOMISS omits observations with missing values for any of the analyzed variables from calculation of the location and scale measures. If you omit the NOMISS option, all nonmissing values are used. NORM normalizes ...
If the test statistic is greater than or equal to the corresponding upper ˛ boundary value, the hypothesis H0 is rejected for harmful effect. Otherwise, the process continues to the next stage. At the final stage (stage 4), the hypothesis H0 is rejected for efficacy if the Z statistic ...
Symbol Meaning Example = or eq equal to where name=’Jane,C.’; ^= or ne not equal to where temp ne 100; > or gt greater than where height>176; < or lt less than where weight lt 60; >= or ge greater than or equal to where id>=’123’; <= or le less than or equal to...