options center;filename transact'C:\BBU FORMAT\DATA\TRANS1.DAT';data transact;infile transact;input @1id $6.@10tran_date mmddyy10.@25amount8.2;//在DATE step与input结合使用的informats 从外部文件读取datarun;data _null_;settransact;file'c:\transact_out.dat';put @1id $char6.@10tran_date...
In a DATA step, if the SUBSTR (right of =) function returns a value to a variable that has not previously been assigned a length, then that variable is given the length of the first argument. The SUBSTR function returns a portion of an expression tha...
then set firstobs=n where n is the record number where the data actually begin. For example, if you are reading a comma separated file or a tab separated file that has the variable names on the first line,
set work.actors; if jobcode in ('Actor I', 'Actor II') then joblevel = 'Beginner'; if jobcode = 'Actor III' then joblevel = 'Advanced'; else joblevel = 'Unknown'; run; Which of the following represents the possible values for the variable JOBLEVEL in the WORK.JOBLEVELS data ...
为了指定字段的格式,我使用data step INFILE来执行导入工作。我想知道是否有任何方法可以读取完整的数据,而忽略非ascii字符。注意:我现在唯一的修复方法是首先导入SAS,得到错误信息并知道错误的确切位置,打开文件(等待大约10分钟),手动定位我找到的位置并删除字符。显然,它很繁琐,很难重复。 浏览2提问于2015-03-02得...
There are several different ways to create a new variable in a datastep. Partly the method you choose will depend on the incoming dataset or flat file or whether you are creating test data "from scratch". Reading the documentation on DATA step and programming concepts will help. http://su...
1:当output没有规定数据集名字时,把当前观测《也就是一行数据》输出到data步后面的所有数据集的末尾<注意是所有数据集>意味着纵向合并,当规定数据集名字时,把pdv当前观测输出到output规定的数据集末尾。 2:在有output语句和run语句同时存在的data步里面,pdv只会执行output的结果到正在被创建的数据集,而执行run语句的...
(functions),打印数据的formats Informats 读取日期数据需要用formatted input。...Fomats 打印日期数据时,还需要将数值换成日期,下面的FORMAT语句告诉SAS用WEEKDATE17.格式打印变量BirthDate。...; Sum语句 SUM语句用于你想将一个表达式的值累加到一个变量上去时,基本形式为: variable+expression; 这个语句将表达式的...
The Data step in SAS(R) 6.12 is the recipient of 50+ new functions. These new functions are broken into the following groupings data set functions, external file functions, library and catalog functions, special functions, variable functions, and statistical functions. The objective of this ...
When using an informat with list input, the colon-format modifier 精品 is required to correctly associate the informat with the variable name. You can learn about ? informats in Reading Date and Time Values ? the colon-format modifier in Reading Free-Format Data. 2. A raw data file is ...