%macro forestplot(forestdata); data forest; set & forestdata.; format OddsRatio 6.2; format Lowercl 6.2;format Uppercl 6.2; format lcl2 6.2;format ucl2 6.2; format SE 6.2;format weight percent5.; format Q1 Q3 4.2; if studyname="" then do;grp=2;study2="Overall";end; else do;grp...
《SAS编程演义》是2017年清华大学出版社出版的图书,作者是谷鸿秋。内容简介 本书以Base SAS为基础,重点讲解SAS编程技术,内容涵盖SAS 基础知识、数据导入导出、变量与观测操作、数据集操作与管理、函数与例程、SAS格式以及宏编程等。另外,对于目前市面上SAS书籍涉及很少,但是应用频繁的统计表格和统计图形,本书从设计...
所以目前常用的方法是后来H Bang提出的BBI。当前似乎尚无开源的SAS macro计算BBI,我写了一个简单的SAS宏程序%BangBI,供各位临床研究者使用。 %BangBI操作说明及示例 %BangBI宏程序有8个参数,分别是 参数1:Tt=治疗组认为自己接受治疗的人数 参数2:Tc=治疗组认为自己接受对照的人数 参数3:Tunknown=治疗组不知道...
An Enhanced Forest Plot Macro Using SAS® A forest plot allows for a quick visualization of results across multiple subgroups. Additional information such as theactual values of the forest plot or the response rates in each treatment group is usually not included in a basic fore... J Garner...
However sometimes ten’s maybe hundred’s of figures are required and so a macro would be the most efficient method to use. The poster I have created details the changes that would need to be made in order for the program to be used to create multiple forest plots. The changes take...
There are two programming tools that I rarely use: the SAS macro language and recursion. The SAS macro language is a tool that enables you to generate SAS statements. I rarely use the SAS macro language because the SAS IML language supports all the functionality required to write complex progr...
RUN_MACRO Run! With PROC FCMP and the RUN_MACRO Function from SAS® 9.2, Your SAS® Programs Are All Grown Up Paper 034-2013: Bruce Lund, Marketing Associates, LLC ; Steven Raimi, Magnify Analytic Solutions A Flock of C-Stats, or Efficiently Computing Multiple Statistics for Hundreds of...
被定义在一个%macro语句 的宏名字后括号内的宏变量称宏参数,可以直接给出宏参 数的值,也可在调用这个宏时给出这些参数的值。 2 宏命令的获取 这些代码组成的宏命令由Jim Weir编写,这些命令被 免费公布在网上,网址为:http://.senns.demon.co.uk/ SAS%20Macros/SASMacros.html,使用者可以打开各个模块 的...
SAS® System Options: The True Heroes of Macro Debugging Paper 148-2010: Axelrod, Elizabeth Boot Camp for Programmers: Stuff You Need to Know That's Not in the Manual and Best Practices to Help Us Achieve Reproducibility Paper 149-2010: Williams, Christianna PROC COMPARE: Worth Another ...
SAS Macro is used to automate the repetitive tasks i.e. tasks that you perform very frequently (every day or more than once in a day). It includes useful tips and tricks of SAS Macro programming and outlines real world examples of automation with SAS Macros. ...