例如,translate(string, 'from-characters', 'to-characters') 将string中每个在'from-characters'中的字符替换为对应位置的'to-characters'中的字符。 Syntax : TRANSLATE(source,to-1,from-1<,...to-n,from-n>) Arguments source:要修改的原始字符串,指定字符串、变量或表达式。 to-character : 想要被替换...
In pseudocode it would likely look something like this: %let chars_to_replace = '-,+*!.=^!'; *Gives a list of special characters to search for and replace %let char_to_replace_with = '|'; *Gives the character I want to replace with data &_output; set &_input; new_stri...
SAS里INDEX,INDEXC和SCAN的区别为:搜索的内容不同、返回的位置值不同、搜索字符不同。一、搜索的内容不同 1、INDEX:INDEX是搜索一个字符串中,某个字符或某个字符串的位置,找不到时返回0。2、INDEXC:INDEXC是搜索一个字符串中,某个字符或字符串的位置,找不到时返回0。3、SCAN:SCAN是搜索...
ANYNAME Function Searches a character string for a character that is valid in a SAS variable name under VALIDVARNAME=V7, and returns the first position at which that character is found. ANYPRINT Function Searches a character string for a printable character, and returns the first position at w...
the step will not compile because of the character argument in the mdy function. 4 答案:A 本题知识点:数据类型的自动转换 在 SAS 中,日期时间是以 1960 年 1 月 1 日 0 时 0 分 0 秒作为起点的。因此,mdy(1,1,1960)=0。 若把日期时间表示为常数时,要使用相应的格式,带单或双引号,在...
the step will not compile because of the character argument in the mdy function. 4 答案:A 本题知识点:数据类型的自动转换 在 SAS 中,日期时间是以 1960 年 1 月 1 日 0 时 0 分 0 秒作为起点的。因此,mdy(1,1,1960)=0。 若把日期时间表示为常数时,要使用相应的格式,带单或双引号,在后面...
INPUT VAR1 VAR2 VAR3; #Define numeric variables in the data set. In the above syntax, the INPUT statement shows the declaration of numeric variables.ExampleINPUT ID SALARY COMM_PERCENT; Character VariablesCharacter variables are used for values that are not used in Mathematical expressions. They...
Returns the value of the first element in the array where predicate is true, and undefined otherwise. TypeScript 复制 function find<S>(predicate: (this: void, value: SasDefinitionItem, index: number, obj: SasDefinitionItem[]) => boolean, thisArg?: any) Parameters predicate (this: void, ...
SAS 9.2 On-Line: Informats, Formats, Functions, Functions by Category, ListsANYALPHA() Returns first position of alphabetic character value. Note that special characters such as '< >' are not considered alphabetic characters and not identified with the ANYALPHA() function. May need to also ...
character string specifying how to handle SAS variables with multiple missing value codes. If "all", all of the values set as missing in SAS will be treated as NA. If "none", the missing value specification in SAS will be ignored and the original values will be imported. If "first", ...