3.7 Factory-installed options Users may order the following items which are incorporated at the manufacturing facility during production or packaged before shipping. Some of the options available are (not an exhaustive list of possible options): • Other capacities can be ...
Maintenance, Repair & Operations
She is not unlike her more contemporary iteration, the social media manager. When I first encountered her, I was in the cage myself, spending my working hours tweeting for one outlet or another, and I underlined more sentences regarding her life than I thought possible. Her concerns, her ob...
测试报告应明确列出申请G-Mark的制造商、品牌和型号。 b.Themanufacturinglocation(factory),ifindicatedinthetestreport,shallmatchtheinformationprovidedintheapplicationforcertification. 生产地点(工厂),如在测试报告中标明,应与认证申请中的信息一致。 c.Thetestreportsshallincludesufficientphotodocumentationofthetestedproduc...