function ISO_DTTM(dattim $) $; length __dtc __dttm $20 iso_dtc $10 iso_tmc $8 year $4 month $2 day $2; /* extract the date portion; compress hyphens to determine format */ __dtpart = compress(scan(dattim, 1, ' T:', 'm'), '-'); /* need to convert all dates to t...
delta=endtn-stdtn;formatdelta time16.;run; 注意这里不可以用 input(stdtc, E8601DT.), 会提示 invalid argument for INPUT. 原因是 所以当字符串中同时有 date 和 datetime 日期时,就只能用 B8601DT. 当字符串只有date时,则用 dt=input(endtc,e8601da.); format dt e8601da.; 修改为数值型 e8601...
如:2000年1月1日上午8点30分8秒,用ISO 8601表示为2001-01-01T08:30:08; 格式:在SAS中这种表示法的格式为e8601dt。 输出结果时: 最常用的日期型变量format yymmdd10. 2000-01-01 时间型变量format time. 12:02 日期时间型变量format e86...
SDTM中的dates 和 datetimes都是以ISO8601编码的文本字符串保存。 /**/%macromake_dtc_date(dtcdate=,year=.,month=.,day=.,hour=.,minute=.,second=.);if(&second ne.)then/*second不为空,含有秒。则处理*/&dtcdate=put(&year,z4.)||"-"||put(&month,z2.)||"-"||put...
{"description":"Current Universal DateTime in ISO 8601 'u' format to use as the start of the SAS token."} },"duration": {"type":"string","defaultValue":"P1Y","metadata": {"description":"The duration of the SAS token. P1Y is maximum, ISO 8601 format is expected."} },"maxRate...
(st)Optional. The time when the SAS becomes valid, expressed in one of the accepted ISO 8601 UTC formats. If it's omitted, the start time is assumed to be the time when the storage service receives the request. For more information about accepted UTC formats, seeFormatting DateTime values...
(st)Optional. The time when the SAS becomes valid, expressed in one of the accepted ISO 8601 UTC formats. If it's omitted, the start time is assumed to be the time when the storage service receives the request. For more information about accepted UTC formats, seeFormatting DateTime values...
Look at the E8601 family of formats, they implement the ISO 8601 norm. @jjjch wrote: All existing SAS datetime formats, as for as I know, is not easy for me to read. Such as 1447213759 datetime with datetime21.2 format will be shown as 10NOV2005:03:49:19.00. And I have to define...
2. Simply change the informat toB8601DJ(reads Java datetime) becauseit does not require aTin the datetime value. 3. When theB8601TMinformat specifies a width larger than the value being read, an incorrect result may be created. For example, specifying B8601TM8. to read a value with a ...