set sashelp.class(keep = _numeric_); *只读入数值型变量; run; drop语句的用法和keep一样,套着用就行,另外drop=选项的效率也高于drop语句。 retain语句《不可执行的语句》retains values from the previous iteration of the DATA step 这个比较重要了,我先解释下sas的运行机制 sas的data步和run语句之间其实...
SAS dataset 有很多针对数据集的选项(option),这些选项都有同名的 statement. 常见的有: options 和 statement 的功能和使用方法几乎一致,区别在于:statement 只能在 DATA step 中使用;options 在 DATA / PROC step 中都可以使用,既可以用于 read-in data 也可以用于 write-in data, 写法统一是DATA=dataset (opti...
The variable must be numeric and has the initial value of zero. This statement adds the value of the expression to the variable while retaining the variable’s value from one iteration of the DATA step to the next。 下面两句和sum语句起到的效果一样 retain variable 0; variable = sum(variable...
Keep is the keyword and it acts as the SAS statement to write the variables that must be declared already on more than one dataset. It can be called in everywhere and anywhere of SAS datasets, without a keep statement means all the datasets are created under the data step that includes al...
在Base SAS中,SAS statement(语句)要求SAS系统执行操作或给SAS系统提供信息,是包含关键词、SAS 名字、特殊字符和运算符等的语句。每个SAS语句以分号做结束。 DATA step statements 可用在SAS程序任何位置的Global statements 1.1 DATA步语句 DATA 步语句...
data aaa; infileabctruncover; input var $3000.; run; When it encounters a DATA, PROC, or RUN statement, SAS stops reading statements and executes the previous step in the program. This program contains one DATA step and two PROC steps, for a total of three program steps. ...
1.从raw data中生成一个SAS数据集。 data wghtclub; infile 'n:\handbook2\datasets\whtclub1.dat'; input idno team$starweight weightnow; run; 上面的代码中有几点需要注意的,第一,infile statement,这个语句指明了raw data数据存储的路径,类似于R中的setwd。当然了,与R中一样,存储路径是可以设定默认的,...
Our statement that SAS “will not sell, rent or lease to others your personal information” includes any actions that meet the definition of a sale of personal information under the CCPA.Additional Data Processing Disclosures: The below table provides the categories of personal data we have sold,...
DATA就是一个sas关键字,a就是一个sas名称。又比如 length x $10.; 就是一个length Statement,x...
SET data-set-1 data-set-n; 首先指定一个新的数据集,然后列出需要合并的旧数据集。 如果一个数据集包含了另一个数据集没有的变量,那么合并后,该变量下将会出现缺失值。 例子有如下两份南北数据,北方数据比南方多了一行变量(最后一行),其他变量均相同: ...