This tutorial willexplore some of the work-arounds that we have come to rely on while using the application. We will also explore the latest version of SAS Data Integration Studio to see if any of our pet peeves have been fixed.Chris Olinger...
This Quick Start tutorial introduces you to how to explore metrics and metadata for the assets in your environment. You learn to search for and review assets.
Data for Getting Started with SAS Enterprise Miner 5.3 ZIP SAS Enterprise Miner 5.3 Extension Nodes Developer's Guide PDF SAS Enterprise Miner 5.3: C and Java Score Code Basics PDF "Administering SAS Data Integration Studio" in SAS 9.2 Intelligence Platform: Desktop Application Administration Guide ...
There's a tutorial here to achieve enumeration variables. This is what you're looking for, example 2 is pretty much exactly your situation. @hein68 wrote: Hello. I have a dataset like this: ID da...
Po wykonaniu powyższych kroków biblioteka jest dostępna z poziomu pozostałych aplikacji SAS, takich jak SAS Enterprise Guide czy SAS Data Integration Studio. Jak odczytywać i zapisywać dane z arkuszy Excel-a w SAS-ie?
you are using SAS Enterprise Guide in a SAS Intelligence Platform environment, metadata definitions can be used by both SAS Enterprise Guide and other Intelligence Platform applications (such as SAS Data Integration Studio and SAS Information Map Studio). This lets multiple SAS applications access a ...
Allows easy access of data (local or remote) for use in other SAS products or JMP®. Provides access to information maps created in SAS Information Map Studio*. Powerful, graphical query builder allows users to visually access and manipulate their data without SQL expertise: Join up to 256 ...
19 Projects The Project window displays the active project and associated data, code, notes, and results. Project window 20 Process Flow The Process Flow window displays the process flow diagram for the project. You can use a process flow diagram (PFD) to run the entire project or to run ...
(such as DATA steps and PROC steps). Don’t place multiple statements in a single line of code. Tabs versus spaces for indentation (made famous by a feud on Silicon Valley). As a programmer with decades of experience and habits formed across many different programming languages, I also ...
Using the SAS Information Map Studio This demonstration shows how to build an information map. Register Source Tables Define Data Libraries Create ETL Jobs Target Tables Create OLAP Cubes View and Analyze Data Create Stored Processes Create Reports Create Information Maps Use the Information Delivery Po...