DATE Function Returns the current date as a SAS date value. 2、DATETIME函数以SAS DATETIME值的形式返回当前日期和时间。 DATETIME Function Returns the current date and time of day as a SAS datetime value. 3、DHMS函数从日期、小时、分钟和秒值中返回SAS datetime值。 DHMS Function Returns a SAS date...
returns the date part of a SAS datetime value as a date value. DATETIME() returns the current date and time of day. DAY( date ) returns the day of the month from a SAS date value. DHMS( date, hour, minute, second ) returns a SAS datetime value for date, hour, minute, and second...
DATE Function Returns the current date as a SAS date value. DATETIME函数以SAS DATETIME值的形式返回当前日期和时间。 DATETIME Function Returns the current date and time of day as a SAS datetime value. DHMS函数从日期、小时、分钟和秒值中返回SAS datetime值。 DHMS Function Returns a SAS datetime val...
DATE Function Returns the current date as a SAS date value. DATEJUL Function Converts a Julian date to a SAS date value. DATEPART Function Extracts the date from a SAS datetime value. DATETIME Function Returns the current date and time of day as a SAS datetime value. DAY Function Re...
The title will show the current date and day without we coding any values for them. We use the in-built SAS data set called CARS available in the SASHELP library. proc print data =; where make = 'Audi' and type = 'Sports' ; TITLE "Sales as of &SYSDAY &SYSDATE"; ...
DaysOverDue = DateDue - today(); 用出生日期Birthdate计算年龄,可以用: CurrentAge = INT (YRDIF (BirthDate, TODAY(), 'AGE') ); 3. 按指定格式输出日期 按指定格式输出日期时,还需要将日期数值转换成日期。 例如,下面的FORMAT语句告诉SAS用WORDATE18.格式打印日期变量BirthDate。
Obtaining the Current System Date/Time You create SAS variables for the current date and time as shown by the following SAS code: data today; a= date( ) ; b= today( ) ; c= time( ) ; d= datetime( ) ; Beginning Tutorials put a= date. b= mmddyy8. c= time10.2 d= datetime16. ...
The SAS datestamp represents the number of days since January 1, 1960.The current SAS datestamp is 23808Enter your SAS date or datetime below:Convert SAS date/datetime timestamp to human date Pages Home Preferences Toggle theme Dark theme Tools Epoch converter Batch converter Time zone ...
What are some of the more important of the many functions, formats, and tools that have been developed that work with these crucial elements of the SAS System? This tutorial will answer these questions and many more. Starting with date and time constants and their representation in SAS and ...
This option prevents SAS from going to a new input line if it does not find values for all of the variables in the current line of data. For example, you may be reading a space delimited file and that is supposed to have 10 values per line, but one of the line had only 9 values...