id_variable2 = y.id_variable2 QUIT; Macro(宏语言)示例 %MACRO macro1(yymm); PROC SQL; SELECT id date FROM libname1.dataset_&yymm._new QUIT; %MEND; %macro1(2402); 创建新table并提取data的前100行 PROC SQL OUTOBS=100; CREATE TABLE table1 AS SELECT * FROM dataset; QUIT; 删除数据前...
***Tempmacro;%macro check_empty_var;%if&nvar.=0%then%do;data result;length Dataset $50empvar $2000;dataset="CLASS";empvar="There is no variable in the dataset Class!";run;%end;%else%if&nvar.>0%then%do;%if&nvar.=1%then%do;proc sql noprint;create table result1asselect"CLASS"...
create table var_select_m as select * from var_select as a left join iv_result as b on a.Variable=b.varname; quit; /*变量筛选*/ %if &method.=1 %then %do; proc sort data=var_select_m; by Cluster1 descending iv /* iv*/; run; %end; %else %do; proc sort data=var_select_...
Create a New Project Define a Data Source Create a Process Flow Diagram Explore Data Explore Nodes: Overview Explore Input Data and Replace Missing Values (10:20) Select Variable Clusters (14:19) Model Data Model Nodes: Overview Build a Decision Tree (13:46) Build a Regression Model & ...
Sends back to VA a message containing selections made in the third-party visualization. VA will use that information to either filter or select (brush) other report objects, depending on the Actions defined between the data-driven object and other VA report objects. It leverages functionpostMessag...
your connection. When the connection is made create a Dashboard and start adding visualizations. The visualization edit panel will include a section called data source. Pick the data source which was created above and then select the ESP window and fields which are to be used by this ...
2.common-variable;/* 展示公共变量 */ QUIT; 示例 我们使用proc sql代码重新跑一遍一对多的案例结果 LIBNAME athshoes 'D:\'; * Perform an inner join using PROC SQL; PROC SQL; CREATE TABLE prices AS SELECT * FROM athshoes.shoedata, ...
(select*fromscott); %put&sqlxmsg; disconnectfrommydb; quit; 1. connectto语句是连接到数据库,然后给sas 一个别名,叫mydb 2.selectcount(*)fromconnection to mydb 这里是指从DBMS 返回的结果从select数据,而真正运行在dbms 端的语句则是括号中的这句(select*fromsuspect_duplicates_2); ...