/* Create sample data */ data test(drop=i);do i=1 to 10;do xvar=1 to 5;yvar=ranuni(0)*100;output;end;end;run;/* Calculate the means and the standard errors. */ proc sort data=test;by xvar;run;proc means data=test noprint;by xvar;var yvar;output out=meansout ...
/* Set the graphics environment */ goptions reset=all cback=white border htitle=12pt htext=10pt; /* Create a sample data set to plot */ data one(drop=i); do i=1 to 10; do xvar=1 to 9 by 2; yvar=ranuni(0)*100; output; end; end; run; /* Sort the data by XVAR */ ...
Let's create sample data which is used for explaining the TRANSPOSE procedure. Suppose you have data for students with their marks in respective subjects. In the dataset below, you have three variables 'Name', 'Subject' and 'Marks'. Run the following program to create the sample dataset in ...
Create SAS Dataset Let's create a sample SAS dataset for the examples in this tutorial. data have; input sale1 sale2 sale3; cards; 12 24 17 25 . 67 20 39 44 34 69 82 ; run; Difference between SUM Function and + Operator The SUM function handlesmissing valueswhen calculating the sum...
注意:如果没有找到数据集SASUSER.CLASS,按如下步骤可以生成此数据集及其他示例数据集:选择菜单“Solutions”→“Analysis”→“Analyst”,进入Analyst,然后选择其中的菜单“Tools”→“Sample Data”,在出现的对话框中选中所有数据集,单击“OK”按钮即可生成示例数据集。 图 1 【实验 在INSIGHT中,打开数据集SASUSER.CL...
merge语句可以啊,程序如下:data sampleA;input sa $;cards;A09 A10 A15 A18 ;run;data sampleB;input sa $;cards;A07 A10 A12 A16 A18 ;run;data a;merge sampleA(in=a) sampleB(in=b);by sa;if a=b;run;
·Export Data——实现SAS 数据集向某些格式的外部数据文件的转换。 ·Create——创建、编辑和浏览 SAS 数据集。 ·Dbms Access——进入 ACCESS 窗口,此窗口可用来管理 SAS数据库。用户可通过此窗 口对 SAS 数据库中的成员进行删除、更名和列表。 ·Subset/Copy——由原来的 SAS 数据集产生子数据集或拷贝原来的...
Ready to create models from your data? These resources are a good place to start. Watch video Learn more about using the sample, explore, modify, model and assess steps in SAS Enterprise Miner. Learn the basics Get up-to-speed on SAS Enterprise Miner features and functions with these tu...
// Create a Uri object with a service SAS appended BlobContainerClient containerClient = blobServiceClient .GetBlobContainerClient("sample-container"); Uri containerSASURI = await CreateServiceSASContainer(containerClient); // Create a container client object representing 'sample-container' with SAS au...
第四题: 程序: 结果: 第五题: You want to create a test data set that uses a DATALINES statement to read in values for X and Y. In the DATA step, you want to create a new variable, Z, equal to 100 + 50X + 2X2 – 25Y + Y2. Use the following (X,Y) data pairs: (1,2)...