MDY Function Returns a SAS date value from month, day, and year values. 6、TIME函数以数值SAS时间值的形式返回当前时间。 TIME Function Returns the current time of day as a numeric SAS time value. 7、TODAY函数以SAS日期数值形式返回当前日期。 TODAY Function Returns the current date as a numeric...
weekday = weekday(date); year = year(date); month = month(date); day = day(date); if workday in (7, 1) then isworkday = 0; else isworkday = 1; output; format date yymmdd10.; run; /*加入国家法定节假日和调班信息*/ proc sql; create table calendar_adj(drop = isworkday1)...
This tutorial explains how to extract the week, day, month and year from a date in SAS, along with examples. Sample SAS Dataset Let's create a sample SAS dataset that will be used in the examples of this article. data mydata; input date_var date9.; format date_var date9.; datalines...
I am trying to create a date from 3 variables: weekday (1:7 (Sun - Sat)), month (1:12), and year (2012:2013). For my analyses, I would like to generate a date so that the weekday falls during the 4 week of the month. I've been trying to use CATX function to combi...
字段名 num createtime datasource_new;/* 取近一个月的数据,假设当天为10月24日,数据所取时间9月24日-10月23日 */setsource;ifcreatetime>=INTNX('month',date(),-1)andcreatetime<=INTNX('DAY',date(),-1);run; datasource_new;/* 取上个月一整个月和当月数据,假设当天为10月24日,数据所取时...
这里的date9.是日期格式,表示日期以"ddMMMyyyy"的形式存储。 MDY函数:将月、日和年作为参数,返回日期类型。例如: MDY函数:将月、日和年作为参数,返回日期类型。例如: 这里的month_var、day_var和year_var分别是文本字段中存储的月、日和年。 接下来,可以使用SAS的日期格式化选项将日期类型的字段格式化为所需的...
并通过标准 SQL 日期和时间函数相互转换日期和时间戳。例如,可以使用 CURRENT_DATE 或 CURRENT_TIME...
SAS编程技术课后习题总结 第⼀章 1.缺省情况下,快捷键F1, F3, F4, F5, F6, F7, F8, F9和Ctrl+E的作⽤是什么?F1帮助,F3 end,F4 recall调回提交的代码,F5 激活编辑器窗⼝,F6激活⽇志窗⼝,F7键激活输出窗⼝,F8 提交,F9键查看所有功能键功能,Ctrl+E 键清除窗⼝内容。2.缺省情况...
Year, Week, Day (WEEKV9). E.g.: 2015W2604 Year, Week, Day (WEEKV0). E.g.: 2015-W26-04 Some date string representations cannot accurately be mapped to one specific date. The formats below are treated by making up day, month, and year values as needed: ...
1、2.2.1 创建单期收益计算环境data a;set stoindif.a1a0001;year=year(date);qtr=qtr(date);month=month(date);proc sort data=a;by year qtr month;run;data b;set a;last_y=last.year; /*标出某年的最后一个交易日 */last_q=last.qtr; /*标出某季的最后一个交易日 */last_m=last.month...