I noticed that when I click on my data set sas7bdat format, I noticed there is character instead of numeric like the other data sets. I am also getting ERROR: variable age in list does not match type prescribed for this list. I am trying to run descriptive statistics on age, gender,...
yymmdd10.);elseiflength(strip(AEENDTC))=7then do;/**Impute Day**;*/AENDT_IMP=intnx('month',input(strip(AEENDTC)||"-01",yymmdd10.),0,'E');/**Set to Death Date of Last Known Date AliveifImputed DateisAfter**;*//*ifA
I want to convert `x` to numeric. DATA test; input x $1.; cards; 1 2 0 ; run; I tried different ways : - With `*1` : /* trial1 */ DATA test1; SET test; x = x*1; run; The log prints the following note : NOTE: Character values have been converted to numeric ...
12.Use SAS functions to manipulate character data, numeric data, and SAS date values. 13.Use SAS functions to convert character data to numeric and vice versa. 14.Process data using DO LOOPS. 15.Restructure SAS data sets with PRO...
Use SAS functions to manipulate character data, numeric data, and SAS date values. Process data using DO LOOPS. Process data using SAS arrays. Accumulate sub-totals and totals using DATA step statements. Validate and clean data. Use SAS functions to convert character data to numeric and vice ...
TODAY Function Returns the current date as a numeric SAS date value. 8、YYQ函数从年和季度年的值中返回SAS日期值,日期为指定季度的1号。 The YYQ function returns a SAS date value that corresponds to the first day of the specified quarter. If eitheryearorquarteris missing, or if the quarter ...
1 Convert character variable to numeric variable in SAS 0 SAS error thinking a variable is defined as both character and numeric Hot Network Questions How to format units inside math environment? Is it possible to know where the Sun is just by looking at the Moon? How can I make ...
array dates $ cd1-cd3; /* Character array */ array newdates nd1-nd3; /* Numeric array */ infile datalines; input cd1 $ cd2 $ cd3 $; do k=1 to dim(dates); newdates{k}=input(strip(dates{k}),mmddyy10.); put _n_= k= dates{k}= newdates{k}=date9.; end; return; datalines...
/* if no time portion keep only up to last numeric portion of date */ if anyalpha(strip...
This type of error is most likely to occur in cases of character-to-numeric variable conversion, most especially when the user does not fully understand the data contained in the data set. This paper will review the basics of data storage for character and numeric variables in SAS, the use...