Thats becaue when I convert the character to numeric for comparasion purpose, the values wiht more than 8 characters are trimmed and so wrong matching ouptut is generate. Is there any way I can compare this two variable. Note : Size of both vairbles are $9 and $32 and the values in ...
33.Proc Compare: Wonderful Procedure!, Anusuiya Ghanghas, Rajinder Kumar[OUT=] 34.Non Printable & Special Characters: Problems and how to overcome them, Sridhar Dodlapati, Praveen Lakkaraju, Naresh Tulluru and Zemin Zeng[Clean character variables before proc compare] ...
ANYFIRST Function Searches a character string for a character that is valid as the first character in a SAS variable name under VALIDVARNAME=V7, and returns the first position at which that character is found. ANYGRAPH Function Searches a character string for a graphical character, and returns...
NOTE: The data set WORK.EMPLOYEES has 20 observations and 4 variables. What does it mean? A. A compiler error, triggered by an invalid character for the variable Salary. B. An execution error, triggered by an invalid character for the variable Salary. C. The 1st of potentially many errors...
Q 16 The following SAS program is submitted: data WORK.DATE_INFO; X='04jul2005'd; 13 DayOfMonth=day(x); MonthOfYear=month(x); Year=year(x); run; What types of variables are DayOfMonth, MonthOfYear, and Year? A. DayOfMonth, Year, and MonthOfYear are character. B. DayOfMonth...
INPUT():This function is used to convert character variables into numeric variables. Like PUT(), the INPUT() function is also beneficial when creating a new variable having a different name. Here, the source variable type must always be a character variable. ...
11 or fewer Answer: D- 26.Which step sorts the observations of a permanent SAS data set by two variables and stores the sorted observations in a temporary SAS data set A. proc sort out=EMPLOYEES data=EMPSORT; by Lname and Fname;run; B. proc sort data=SASUSER.EMPLOYEES out=EMPSORT;...
Specified character, variables, constants, expressions, and other keywords. The substring characters are calculated, and add the modifiers as optional parameters. How to Use SAS Find? In SAS, find function which helps to find the input strings for the first position and occurrence of the specified...
CAT() plus TRIM(), LEFT() and a separater delimiter between the variables - v9func = CATX(‘-’, a, b); COMPARE() Compares two character variables, 0 if no difference COUNT() Counts occurance of text within a character variable SYMPUTX() SYMPUT() plus TRIM(), LEFT() and PUT...
Variable formats are handled by PROC COMPARE as it is used for comparing unformatted values. 22. What is the use of $BASE64X? By using $BASE64X encoding, the character data is converted into ASCII text. 23. What are the features of the SAS system?