proc report data = sashelp.class style(report)={frame = hsides rules = group } ; column name sex age height weight; define name / display; define sex / display; define age / display; define height / display; define weight / display; run; ods rtf close; * ls = 200 只在ODS LISTING...
s Guide”中的“Configuring Support for Parallel Process Nodes” “SAS Intelligent Decisioning: User’s Guide”中的“Adding Parallel Processing Nodes” 使用数组语法作为数据网格列名称 要测试使用数据网格的决策,您可以指定一个输入表,其中包含其名称遵循类似于数组元素访问方式的命名规则的列:columnName[row...
class; holder=1;/*无实际作用:控制显示*/ run; proc report data=class nowd headskip headline split='|' missing nocenter contents="表1" style(report)={ pretext="表1" }; column NAME AGE holder; define NAME / display "" style(header)=[just=left] style(column)=[just=left cellwidth=70...
proc template; define table mytable; cellstyle mod(_row_, 2) as {background=#e0e0e0}, 1 as {background=#c3c3c3}; column name age sex height weight; define column weight; cellstyle _val_ = 110 as {foreground=red}, _val_ = 90 as {foreground=yellow}, 1 as {foreground=green}; ...
{ frame = hsides rules = group }; column level NAME SEX ; define level / order order = data noprint; rbreak before / page summarize contents='Level 2'; break before level / page contents = ''; run; ods proclabel='Level label - 3 '; proc report data = class nowindows missing ...
就是frame = hsides rules = group在起作用 optionsnodate;odsrtffile='./_3.rtf';procreportdata=sashelp.classstyle(report)={frame=hsidesrules=group};column name sex ageheightweight;define name/display;define sex/display;define age/display;define height/display;define weight/display;run;odsrtfclose...
title1 j=l 'Company name'; title2 j=c 'table 4.2.2'; title3 j=c ' Population sets'; footnote j=center 'page ^{thispage} of ^{lastpage}'; proc report data=final nowd headline headskip spacing=2 style(column)=[just=center] style(header)=[just=center] split='$'; ...
merging multiple variables with same name how to count variables with similar name patten Two Column Transpose With Duplicate ID Variables Resolution of field value to its corresponding column Multiple variables from one column? Discussion stats 14 replies 03-07-2016 11:41 AM 10606 v...
Experimental support for Git integration. Ability to append new log information to the existing logs for programs and tasks. You can also automatically clear the log each time you submit code. New preference for the VALIDMEMNAME option, which enables you to specify a set of rules for SAS data...
column sex name ("Sex" header) ("^R'\brdrb\brdrs\brdrw2 'Wonder Treatment" weight height); define sex /order noprint; define name /noprint; define header /'' computed; define weight / display 'weight' format=8.1 style={just=r}; ...