call missing(temp1[cc]); end; array temp2 ( &byvcn. ) &_byvarc.; do dd = 1 to &byvcn.; call missing(temp2[dd]); end; end; if flag1 = 1 and flag2 ^= 2 then do; call missing( of _numeric_); call missing( of _character_); end; drop flag1 flag2 cc dd &_byvarn....
call missing (Id, subGroup, mean, low, high, pcigroup, group, countPct, indentWt, ref); yVal+1; xl=0.9; tValue='<--PCI Better'; tPos='left'; output; xl=1.1; tValue='Therapy Better-->'; tPos='right'; output; end; run;...
array arr2{*} _CHARACTER_ ; length variable $50; do i = 1 to dim(arr1); if missing(arr1(i)) then do; variable =vname(arr1(i));/*数值型缺失*/ output; end; end; do j = 1to dim(arr2); if missing(arr2(j)) then do; variable = vname(arr2(j)); /*字符型缺失*/ out...
说明hash表已经在内存中准备好了。 其中, call missing(key,variable_1) 避免log中出现数据未初始化的提醒。 5. 定义hash对象的 步骤: length d $20;length k $20;if_N_=1thendo;declare hashh();rc=h.defineKey('k');rc=h.defineData('d');rc=h.defineDone();end; 因为: 在 hash object 中 ...
CALL MISSING Routine Assigns missing values to the specified character or numeric variables. CALL SCAN Routine Returns the position and length of the nth word from a character string. CAT Function Does not remove leading or trailing blanks, and returns a concatenated character string. CATQ Fun...
call missing (Id, subGroup, mean, low, high, pcigroup, group, countPct, indentWt, ref); yVal+1; xl=0.9; tValue='<--PCI Better'; tPos='left'; output; xl=1.1; tValue='Therapy Better-->'; tPos='right'; output; end;
*/ data cmd (keep=job_id cmd_val); length type id cmd_uri step_uri job_uri $ 50 cmd_val $ 1024 job_id $ 17; call missing (of _character_); cmdobj="omsobj:Property?Property[@Name='CmdLine'][AssociatedObject/TransformationStep/Transformations/JFJob]"; cmdcount=metadata_resolve(cmdobj...
call missing(of x1-x10, a b c);INPUT函数这是我学习SAS(多年前)是遇到理解困难的函数之一。一 9、个简单的方法就是思考INPUT函数,问自己“INPUT语句是干什么的?”,它通常从按照预先提供的INFORMAT格式从一个文件中读取文本。同样,INPUT函数做类似的工作,它根据函数提供的第二个语句INFORMAT,读取函数提供的第...
(0.1) Simulate a dataset for two SSN entries***; data ssn_data; do i=1 to 1000; ssn1=ceil((ranuni(1234)*1E9)); ssn2=ssn1; if ssn1 le ceil((ranuni(1000)*1E9))then call missing(ssn1); if ssn2 le ceil((rannor(2000)*1E9))then call missing(ssn2); drop i; output; end...
Re: Missing Values % for character variables Posted 05-05-2015 09:32 AM (1428 views) | In reply to Ujjawal Proc freq is not efficient for large table , But SQL was. data have; set sashelp.class; if _n_ in (1:18) then do; call missing(height,weight); end; if _n_ in (...