arraychar_character_; *set一次进入pdv四个变量,两个字符型,两个数值型,这里的意思是获取所有字符型变量形成一个字符型数组; array numr _numeric_; *这里是获取所有数值型变量形成数值型数组; dooverchar;ifchareq ""thenchar="null"; put "char"; *这里会输出两次,因为四个变量中有两个位字符型,如果你...
它的行叫观测(Observations),列叫变量(Variables)。 五、数据值(Data Values) 数据值是SAS处理的最基本的数据单元。数据值有两种类型:数值型和字符型。 六、观测(Observations) 一行是一个观测。通常,一个观测的多个数据值描述了一个客观实体的多个特征。 七、变量(Variables...
If the dollar sign is not included on the array statement, the array is assumed to be numeric. When all numeric or all character variables in the data set are to be elements within the array, there are several special variables that may used instead of listing the individual variables as ...
_character_; if _N_=1 then do ; do i= 1 to dim(char_vars); __column=vname(char_vars{i}); __len=&len.;output; end; end; keep __:; run; /*convert to macros vars*/ proc sql noprint; select "length " ||strip(__column)||" $&len. ;" into : __len_list separated ...
length dataset special_char_var $50special_char_value $2000;set&database..&&dt&i.;dataset="&&dt&i.";arrayc_var(*)$2000_character_;dok=1todim(c_var);special_char_var=vname(c_var(k));ifindex(c_var(k),"¿")thendo;special_char_value=cats(c_var(k));output;end;end;run;%end;...
*** Version: 1.0 *** Input dataset: dataset len *** Output : __len_list *** Description: Use SAS Macros to set uniform lengths for data set variables dataset: required. Data set whose length needs to be modified. such as td1 ; ...
Array abc{*} _character_; Array def{*} _numeric_; Array def{*} _all_; - valid - valid - invalid. The reason is that all array variables must be of same data type, either all character or all numeric and cannot be both. WELL KNOWN PROBLEM – DATA STEP STOPPED DUE TO LOOPING: ...
参数:k: 指定一个整数常数,或一个表达式.值为1~n之间的值。包含,指定每个组合的元素的数量。参数:variable: specifies either all numeric variables, or all character variables that have the same length. The values of these variables are permuted....
LENGTHM Function Returns the amount of memory (in bytes) that is allocated for a character string. LENGTHN Function Returns the length of a character string, excluding trailing blanks. LOWCASE Function Converts all letters in an argument to lowercase. MD5 Function Returns the result of the...
array x {2,11:15} a1-a10; 各数组函数的返回值如下表。 数组函数的示例 DO循环中引用数组元素 将数组与迭代DO语句结合使用,在对用数组所表示的变量进行处理时会变得简单。基本形式如下: DO 索引变量=1 TO 数组元素个数; ···SAS语句···END; 示例,用saslib.inventory作为原数据集,假定现预测下一年度...