I have an empty dataset which contains let's say var1 until var 10 plus the var n. I would like to set n from 1 to 100. Thereafter, I will use this template to make a join with another table using n. ex: var1 var2 ... var10 n 1 2 ... 100 How do we do that...
library(rbmi) library(tidyverse) data("antidepressant_data") dat <- antidepressant_data # Use expand_locf to add rows corresponding to visits with missing outcomes to the dataset dat <- expand_locf( dat, PATIENT = levels(dat$PATIENT), # expand by PATIENT and VISIT VISIT = levels(dat$VISIT...
5. Calculations based on differences between one or more variables across rows1. Types of VariablesVariable Types Value Variables from SET <Dataset_name>, ex. SET SASHELP.CLASS Retained New <Variable_name>*, ex. BMI=WEIGHT/HEIGHT; Calculate or '.' unless RETAIN Automatic, ex. _N_, _...
In such cases, you can use the parameter num_rows to be equal or larger to the number of rows in the dataset. This number can be obtained reading the file without multiprocessing, reading in another application, etc. Notes for windows For this to work you must include a name == "main...
The com.sas.sasserver.dataset.DataSetInterface model will allow you to view and edit SAS datasets. Cell editing can be enabled as described above in the spreadsheet example. If your database is read-only, TableView will recognize this and not allow editing regardless of your customizations. ...
The above df/ds has 92 columns and 46258 observations/rows. I am also applying formats and labels when creating the dataset. Any ideas how I could speed this up? I was thinking I could thread the write process, but I am wondering if you have an 'easier' solution. Not sure if there ...
Random sample of a dataset 这个在simulation中蛮好用的,从逻辑上将实现方式有很多,类似于subsetting datasets;但是也有现成的函数可以直接用,在R中可以考虑用dplyr::sample_n()函数,在SAS则是surveyselect # R code # replace = FALSE dplyr::sample_n(iris, 10) ...
The following definition would work as well: data lkhobj3; input _id_ $ _function_ $ _sense_ $ _dataset_ $; datalines; f loglkh3 max logdata ; proc fcmp outlib=sasuser.myfuncs.mypkg; function loglkh3(x, sigma, mu); return (- log(sigma) - 0.5*((x-mu)/sigma)**2); end...
Here, we are using the built-in SAS dataset namedCARSfrom theSASHELPlibrary. Our goal is to explore this dataset using the PROC CONTENTS procedure. PROC CONTENTS DATA = SASHELP.CARS; RUN; Output 1Observations: The number of rows in the dataset. The dataset "CARS" from the SASHELP library...
How to produce summary reports using Proc REPORT, Proc PRINT and Proc FREQ Generate HTML using ODS statements Proc Dataset call symput("宏变量名称",变量/"文本") 1.只能在data步中调用call symput,定义的宏变量不能再该data步使用. 2.把变量里的值赋值给宏变量 ...