文摘《Nausea》,Sartre (一) 艾米莉亚天下第一 去学习吧,朋友!翻过山峰寻找真相,你会得到真理作为报答。——“你想当快乐的猪,还是痛苦的人?” ——“很遗憾,你只是一只痛苦的猪罢了。”发布于 2023-10-22 13:59・IP 属地广东 读者文摘 文摘刊物 文学 ...
SARTRE, Nausea Thomas Sheehan Jean-Paul Sartre Some :萨特,恶心托马斯希恩让-保罗萨特一些.pdf,SARTRE, Nausea Thomas Sheehan Jean-Paul Sartre: Some Biographical Notes, to 1944. Sartre’s Summary of Nausea Antoine Roquentin: A Brief Biography A Calendar fo
They fall into four groups: Nausea is regarded as a philosophical novel; second, it is seen as a psychological and autobiographical work; third, it is acclaimed as a work of literature; l...
Sartre Thesaurus Acronyms Encyclopedia Wikipedia Related to Sartre:Camus Sar·tre (sär′trə, särt),Jean Paul1905-1980. French writer and philosopher. A leading existentialist, he wrote literary works, such as the autobiographical novelNausea(1938) and the playNo Exit(1944), and philosophical...
Sartre's Nausea: Text, Context, Intertext Sartre's Nausea: Text, Context, Intertext - 2005 by Alistair Rolls, Elizabeth Rechniewski, Lawrence R. Schehr, George Woods, Thomas Woods, Peter Poiana, Elizabeth Rechniewski, Chris Falzon, Amanda Crawley-Jackson, Keryn Stewart, Debra He... BA...
内容提示: "NAUSEA"Jean-Paul Sartre INTRODUCTIONHayden Carruth Existentialism entered the American 文档格式:PDF | 页数:747 | 浏览次数:150 | 上传日期:2016-09-22 22:15:12 | 文档星级: "NAUSEA"Jean-Paul Sartre INTRODUCTIONHayden Carruth Existentialism entered the American ...
Nausea 恶心 英文原版小说 让保罗萨特 存在与自由 La Nausee 企鹅经典 法国存在主义哲学创始人 Jean-Paul Sartre进口英语书籍 第1人称叙述 真实存在和自由 作者:Jean-PaulSartre出版社:Penguin出版时间:2021年06月 手机专享价 ¥ 当当价降价通知 ¥59.00...
1.The diaristic novel, Nausea, is a representative work by Sartre, the forerunner of Existentialism. 摘要日记体小说《恶心》是存在主义萨特的代表作。 声明:以上例句、词类均由互联网资源自动生成,部未经过人工审核,其表达内容亦不代表本软件的观点;若发现问题,欢迎向我们指正。显示所有包含 Sartre 的英语例句...
2 Sartre, the author of La Nausée ( Nausea ) was reading Hemingway in the 1930s and admired what Claude-Edmonde Magny calls "la technique objective dans le roman américain" ["the objective technique in the American novel"]. 3 Sartre believed that psychological analysis, the hall mark of...