In 6 of 11 eyes (55%), SARS-CoV-2 genomic RNA was detected in the cornea; subgenomic RNA was present in 4 of these 6 eyes (67%). Infectivity or the presence of viral structural proteins could not be confirmed in any eye. However, patients whose corneal disc was positive for SARS-...
To evaluate viral shedding kinetics, the genomic RNA of SARS-CoV-2 was measured using polymerase chain reaction and performed virus culture from daily saliva samples of individuals with mild COVID-19 infected with the Delta variant who were isolated in a community facility in Seoul, South Korea,...
namely the trophectoderm: (1) the RNA-seq experiment specifically probed trophectoderm cells, (2) The immunostaining experiments used a protocol optimized for cell membrane-bound factors on the surface of the embryo (precluding analysis of deeper cell layers), (3) The pseudotyped virion experiments ...
Once the virus enters the cell, the viral RNA is released and the host-cell's cellular programs are utilized for viral replication. In addition to producing infectious progeny, several mechanisms of the SARS-CoV-2 infection and replication influence ACE2 expression and presentation. Firstly, intern...
In addition, there is evidence of ocular surface infection in patients with COVID-19 as SARS-CoV-2 RNA was detected in eye secretions of patients [29,30]. A retrospective case series study conducted on 214 infected patients from Wuhan showed that 78 (36.4%) patients displayed neurologic ...
The analytical validation of the detection kit was performed by using synthetic RNA controls provided by Twist Biosciences. From this stock, ten-fold serial dilutions were made until the detection limit was reached (2/3 true positives were detected). This limit was then tested in 20 replicates ...
Positive sense, single-stranded enveloped RNA virus belongs to the familyCoronaviridae. Coronavirus’s name is derived from the Latin corona, meaning crown. Under electron microscopy, the viral envelope appears crown-like due to small bulbar projections formed by the viral spike (S) pepl...
RNA standards and pseudoviruses diluted by different gradients were used to demonstrate the detection limit. Additionally, we have developed a lateral flow assay based on OR-DETECTR for detecting COVID-19. Results The OR-DETECTR detection process can be completed in one tube, which takes ...
While some patients may have ongoing viral RNA shedding for weeks after infection, the sharp decline in NAAT-positive results over time in the antibody-positive cohort vs antibody-negative cohort suggests that seropositive individuals are at decreased risk for future SARS-CoV-2 infection. As the ...
Convergent evolution is common in the biological world, given that one mutation can exhibit strong advantage in particular functions and prevail in multiple lineages. This phenomenon has also been observed in other highly mutated RNA viruses, such as HIV and influenza viruses40,41. Previously, N501Y...